1 plant growing 10x faster than others

THis is my first post here. I've read a ton of good stuff. But now I have a question.

There are 4 pots. 3 little clay ones and 1 (approx). 2liter plastic one.

All the seeds sprouted together about 2 weeks ago.

The 3 plants in the little (soda-can-sized) clay pots are sprouted, have a few true leaves, but they're all only an inch or 2 high. And the grow sloooooooow.

The 2 liter pot has 2 plants in it which are about 10 times larger than the ones in the clay pots. They have their 5-spoke-leaves coming in, are about 3-4 inches tall. and bushy!

So why are the ones in the bigger pot growing SO much faster than the ones in the little pots?

At 1" tall, they're probably not going to like being transplanted. water them only when DRY so I don't overwater. They're green and not droopy. just small and SLOW

Using about 16k lumens worth of cfl's. Ph'ing my water now, it was about 7 before this week.

HHELLLLPPPP !?!?!?!:leaf:

and yeah they could be males, cause i know they grow faster. But it would be a coincidence if the pots they're in have nothing to do with it. The "males" just happen to be in the same pot? Naaahhh

Besides Dolores and Agnes are not men's names.
pics? are they different strains?

How big shoulda healthy 2-week-old plant be? On Avg?

It's a bunch a bag seeds since the grower has never grown before and wants to learn before spending $ on good seeds.

all planted at the same time, 2 weeks ago.
not quite 10X. You have some waiting to do before making any sex guesses
ok u gave me 2 mild criticisms and no answers. y do that?

come on, address the reasons for the thread:

- why's there such a disparity between the plant's sizes?

- What could cause the smaller plants to stunt?




Active Member
could be two different kinds of weed. sometimes its genetics i have 9 going in same pot right now and two r growing way slower than the reast. is soil more compact on the little ones could not be getting enough oxgen to roots what kind of soil u using


Active Member
you didn't grow as fast as all your friends did you?
i'm sure its the same with plants. just relax. if you feell like its the pot, transplant them in another pot. it's that easy.
you didn't grow as fast as all your friends did you?
i'm sure its the same with plants. just relax. if you feell like its the pot, transplant them in another pot. it's that easy.
i was definitely a stretched plant when i was a kid :lol:

anyway, Do you think transplanting a seedling that's about 2" tall will not damage/kill it? Or should one start from scratch with germinating more bagseed, cause these are root-dead?
