1 Plant 40" by 30" wide canopy from LSTing pics need help


Active Member
So here are som pics of my giant plant. Its 40" tall by 30" wide by 40" deep at the canopy. I have been trying to keep the hieght down because I only have another 18" before it starts to hit the light. Does anyone think I can keep it under 18" of verticle growth over the next 5 or so weeks of flowering by continuing to LST it? It looks like I have halted most of the verticle growth by LSTing but this is my first grow. This plant has taken over the whole room and I cant get anymore plants into flowering. So if this doesnt work then I am screwed.



Well-Known Member
i would trim a bunch of that lower growth off too.
its not going to be getting any light pretty soon.


Active Member
i would trim a bunch of that lower growth off too.
its not going to be getting any light pretty soon.
So that will divert more energy to the growing buds right? I have thought of that and didnt know if I should. Thanks will do.
use a screen!
the canopy stays the height of the screen!
With this screen will the buds need to grow through them? So will I need a screen with large holes? Or will the plants stay under the screen and use something with small holes? Like window screen?


i had a very similar problem on my last grow with some thai super skunk(I HATE THAT BITCH)it mess up my hole grow cause she grew to big and good burn plus she stole the light for the other plant but i found out even know it was to late that the hydro store sell something (i forgot the name but if u ask they should know)that u feed the plant and they stop growing.that means u got a plant fowerin and u want her to grow jus 2 feet tall when shes like 1 1/2 u feed it ant she would stop around 2 feet


Active Member
i had a very similar problem on my last grow with some thai super skunk(I HATE THAT BITCH)it mess up my hole grow cause she grew to big and good burn plus she stole the light for the other plant but i found out even know it was to late that the hydro store sell something (i forgot the name but if u ask they should know)that u feed the plant and they stop growing.that means u got a plant fowerin and u want her to grow jus 2 feet tall when shes like 1 1/2 u feed it ant she would stop around 2 feet
Well that sounds like exactly what im looking for. that or the screen idea I dont know yet. Will this special potion you speak of also halt the flowering or even slow it down? I would like to get as much as possible off this plant.


is like a hormone that stop the grow of the plant and focus in developing the flower... i will google it and tell u the name in a bit


Height Controllers

Bonza bud creates the same effect as ‘tipping' a plant without removing the top growth, which would eventually produce much more branches and flower/fruit points

It blocks the hormone that causes a plant to grow taller, and instead of growing , say 5cm and producing a branch it will produce less, maybe 2-3 cm thus making a plant shorter

A shorter plant has more even light from top to bottom and thus increases yield on lower branches

Bonza Bud encourages more side growth and these branches will produce extra fruiting/flowering points per plant also increasing yeilds

50ml $25 use at 2ml/litre for extremely stetched out plants, or 1ml/litre for normal plants to be sortened slightly

Respray to improve effect as desired or every 4 weeks.

Spray over plants until liquid runs off.


Active Member
Ok well my plant is already 40 inches and Im not sure it can be stopped. LOL Im sure it would def help. I will go to the hydro store tomorrow and ask about it. Thanks again I will smoke one for you when its ready bongsmilie :mrgreen: +rep


Well-Known Member
You're thinking of Bushmaster, I forget who makes it but it'll keep em short. It's some kelp extract


Active Member
You're thinking of Bushmaster, I forget who makes it but it'll keep em short. It's some kelp extract
And you can apply it when already 3 weeks into flowering? Hopefully the dude at the hydro store can inform me as to what I should do. Still new at this and dont want to fuck it up. This has been like 5 months of planing and TLC.


Active Member
yes i think is better to ask about it before u use cause he told me but sinces my plant where already mess up i dint get it and i just focus in my new grow(i wiil post the link so u can cheek it out)but i keep it in mind in case of anything THIS IS THE LINK TO MY CURRENT GROW
Nice real Nice! I need to veg less next time. What happened is I started 6 plants into veg and could only fit 2 in flowering at a time. Well it took 11 days to sex the first 2 and find out they were male then another 10 or 12 days to figure out the next 2 were also male and this one was my second to last one. It was about 2 1/2 months old when it went into flowering and it just exploded with growth. I learned my lesson 3 weeks old and they go in and dont start so many at a time unless you can handle it in flowering.


YOU GOT IT but thats how it is u learn tru ur mistake.....this time i took only 6 clones they root out in 2 weeks then i veg for like a month or 12 to 14-15 inches and in they go.....but i do thiss only cause is hydro(AND PLANTS REALLY DO GROW FASTER IN SOILLES MIX)


Active Member
YOU GOT IT but thats how it is u learn tru ur mistake.....this time i took only 6 clones they root out in 2 weeks then i veg for like a month or 12 to 14-15 inches and in they go.....but i do thiss only cause is hydro(AND PLANTS REALLY DO GROW FASTER IN SOILLES MIX)
I got two clones off this female I have in now. I plan for one of them to be my first mother plant and the other will go into flowering as soon as this one is finished. I only have room for 2 medium sized plants or 1 giant like I have now. I was thinking of trying SOG as soon as my mother gets big enough for me to take that many clones off. I hear its less hassle than dealing with one big plant.


Active Member
What are the pros and cons of sativa vs indica? I was just recently informed that I have a sativa plant. Is that good or would an indica be better? I mean there both weed right? So whats the real difference?


i seen in here some plant that r just 24 25 inches with a yield of 4 to 5 ounces they use a technice call scrog(screen of green) is very usefull for people with little vertical space i want to try it for my next grow and the good thing is tha u just need 1 to 4 plant and u will get better yield than doing 10 plant the regular way....the sog(sea of green)is made for people who want to get a quick(comercial)yield so they get around 1 1/2 oonces per plant and they put 15 or 20 plant
so say u got 4 plant and u do the scrog u get 5 onces per plant is a total of 20 ounces and the other way u put 20 gettin 1 ounces per plant is the same amount BUT with the scrog u save nutrient since u only feed 4 plant u save space ,u saves in ur electrical bill ect...so do the math


sativa takes a little longer to mature the flower and indoor is not the best yielder(better to grow outside to improve yield) but the high is a little stronger and the indica viceversa bigger yield quick flower but not as strong as sativa thats why i alwas go with hybryds(sativa-indica mix) u get the best out both world