1 out of 11 clones survived FML... Keep it inside or what?!? Please help


Active Member
The other night, about a week and a half ago, i took 11 clones before takin the girls outside and only 1 looked good enough to save this morning when I chucked the duds. Im pretty upset cause they looked so bushy and beautiful but i knew if i just got 4 clones to survive id have double the bud, and that sure as hell didnt happen. Atleast its a Master Kush clone though....

So my question is do yall think i should just keep it inside under my current set up? I have 4 23 watt daylight bulbs and 1 26 watt 2300K bulb. If i put it in to 12/12 When i see new growth should this be enough light to flower it all the way? I know with CFLs the rule is pretty much the more light the better so ill try to invest in one more 2300K but im TIGHT on money with everything i gotta buy for the outdoor crop.

I appreciate ANY thoughts or tips that yall have
Well I am honestly confused is the problem that you already put your mothered plants outside and 1 of the 11 clones that you took to keep inside died?
If that is the case I would recommend going back to your mothers and take cuttings so you can re-clone.
did you keep them under a moisture dome or in something sealed? if they are exposed to normal open air they will just die if the light is too intense. I clone in soil and have had a 100% success rate so far, and all the clones i've taken were immature. Remember, without roots plants cant take in nutes.
I had them in a humidity dome and everything, i thought i did everything right. The container of rooting gel says keep cool, i dont know if that means refidgerate or what, so im wondering if the gel is ruined and uncapable doing the job. Either way i have this one clone and was just wondering what yall thought. Ive never flowered inside, and know that CFLs cqn be tricky to do so with, so i figured id get some tips from the pros. I want to start on 12/12 once new growth starts, and i think if i do that the plant will stay small enough to flower with 5 CFLs. So the question is really on flowering the clone not why the clones died
Ive had better results keeping them inside, every time ive tried taking one outside it gets torched...
Cfls are not tricky, they're a great starting point for indoor growers and are pretty productive for people with knowledge of their proper use. Peruse the sight and read-up on some cfl basics...they're stickied at the top of the CFL forum I believe. But for starters; vegetative bulbs = ~7000k Flowering bulbs = ~2700k. I typically stick with around 23 - 26watt size bulbs, they provide the best lumen to watt ratio I feel. Also proximity to your plans is a must!!!! Put CFLs within inches (2) of your foliage.
And good luck!
Cloning is duck soup, next time buy olivias cloning gel if that's not what you have already. Go to the store and buy party cups then buy clear plastic cups also that fit into the regular party cup. Poke holes a half inch up in the clear cup then fill it with perlite. Add ph'd water till it comes out of holes. Dip cutting in olivias rooting gel stick cutting into moist perlite , now take another clear cup and cover the one with the perlite and clone with this one to use it as a dome and tape it together so there isn't much air going in. Now place the plant in the dome into the regular party cup so when roots grow they don't get hit by light. I've gotten 100% success using this technique. If you only put your girls outside a week and a half ago then there is plenty of time to take cuts still. Good luck!