1 ounce = 5 beans = 5 females? What is the significance?


Active Member
Just started to grow again after 25 years. Last kid left the house. Since I already had a bag of unknown strain that was quite effective and tasty, I decided to grow the five healthy seeds that were in that bag. Kind of potpourri of offspring. Three vigorous triplets, one that looks like "cousin it", and a short one that had trouble getting up out of the soil "stumpy". After five weeks of vegging, they all turn out to be females.
Since there were only five seeds in the bag, it makes me wonder if mama was a hermie?... especially since there was only five seeds. Or just pure luck? I did run high humidity and kept them on the coolish side. Though these methods are definitely questionable.
Anyway, I'll be happy if they don't turn on me. But, now I have to scramble and figure out what to do with them all. I was using this as a practice grow as I am new to indoor gardening. Great site, by the way!


Active Member
its a possibility that the grower used feminized seeds that hermied and made seeds. however we will never know for sure. it could possibly be a strain with a good f/m ratio, or even just luck.

best of luck, i hope they are regs dont turn on you. :)

That Canadian

Active Member
I vote on hermi.

Never seen seeds in my a+ shit, but it happens, and no one is perfect. Just monitor closely and chop bananas if they come.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you're probably right, they came from a hermie. IDK, seems to me that growers wouldn't intentionally put males in their grow ops, which would make sense, that a hermie did the job of pollinating. I imagine it would be near impossible to find a hermie in a large grow, which is probably the reason commercial weed is seedy, most of the time(in my area, anyway. Damn dirtweed.lol).


Active Member
some people grow strickly for the money and dont really care about quality,or hermies, just gotta make sure u have reliable resources... u can still grow some dank from bagseed however, your odds are just less likely...


Active Member
Thanks for the input. In the meantime, I can practice a couple of techniques I have been reading about here. Even in the event they turn on me, it will be a good rehearsal for good genetics. If I feel confident about them I may post a pic sometime, however, I am a wee bit shy when it comes to posting pics of bs. I have seen the response to pics of bs... lol, not a real confidence booster for a newb indoor gardener.


Active Member
most people dont bash you on here,
if you come on here acting like you know everything and show us pics that show diff. then maybe a diff. story haha

good luck


Active Member
Thanks sharp. I am all about me and pain relief, so, quality is my main priority. The current mystery grow will be what it is: A learning experience. Nice to hear you say that about folks here. Other than a few random troll riots I've happened upon, the RIU community definitely seems supportive of one another.