1 Orange Mass 1 400 watt hps


New Member
no man, none, just the little ones at the bottem I chopped off today to clean the bitch up a bit had a few seeds starting. Took off 5-6 shoots and that leaves me with 21 nice ones, as long as they don't go seedy on me


New Member
April 4th,

My girl is 4 weeks and 1 day from showing sex.
Got some N deff going on, time to up the nutes I guess.
Picked alot of seeds off her today, all on the very bottem buds, just praying that's as far as they go............



New Member
April 7th,

Well I'm happy to say I only found 1 new seed on my girl today, the buds are starting to fill in nicely now.
I'm going to start updating this thread every Friday with pix from now on. That's the end of the week for my girl.
On Friday, she will have been flowering for 5 weeks. Flush on 7th week and pull May 1st (depending on her)


New Member
April 9th,

36 days in flower, no more seeds, I pick 'em off everyday, and they seemed to get less and less, until for the last couple days there were no new ones YIPPPPPY!!!!
Enjoy the pix.
I've decided to use my Mh bulb for the last 2 weeks of flower. I plan on taking her to 9 weeks
You can see the leafs are just starting to turn a little purple on the edges
I really suck at taking pix, sorry about some of the blurryness, I took a shit load of pix and these were the best ones I took that weren't so blurry.



New Member
Just got a really nice and unexpected surprise today.
My buddy just sent me another pack of 40 beans of the Orange Mass. SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I got around 100 of 'em.
Now I'm thinking I should cross this strain with another 1.

I've got these to choose from:

Bubba Kush
Blue Widow
Juicy Fruit
White Widow X Big Bud
Burmese Kush (Buku)
Blue God

I think I'm leaning towards Blue Widow or BuKu
The only problem is I haven't gotten a male yet outta the Orange Mass, and the rest of the strains I have are all fem's, except Juciy fruit.

I really love this strain, that's why I keep growing it out. Gives you nice full tight buds with excellent catalyst to leaf ratio, so easy to trim up, not much of a smell, and a nice deep stone.


New Member
I went away for 4 days, and came back and checked on my girls, and I couldn't belive the diff in size than when I left, the branches were all saging and falling over.
I had to tie a lasso around 'em and haul them all up together so they wouldn't bend right over and snap the stems.
Updates on Friday and that will be 6 weeks flowering.
Then on the 7th week, I'll begin flushing, for a week maybe 2, depends on the girl.
Alot of the leafs are starting to turn red/purple, cause I've been leaving the window open at night.
Starting to look pretty cool.


New Member
ahahhaa, tomorow man.
By the look of 'em I might have to let them go longer, still lots of white pistils.......
We'll see when I start to flush 'em.
Not very frosty either........every other time I've grown it out there was lots of frostyness, by now. Maybe the seeds took alot outta her.


New Member
April 15th,

41 days since showing sex.
Leafs are turning colors, cause it's cool at night with the window open.
This evening I switched my Hps to Mh for the last couple of weeks.
I'm gonna start to flush next Saterday I belive.
Thought I'd throw some pix up a day early for ya Water lol. So ya don't get me banned lol
Hope ya enjoy.
Took a pic of the lasso I had to put on her to keep them from falling over.



New Member
Thanks man, I started off with like 32, trimm'd away all the small 1's which left me with 21, ran outta smoke cut 2, now got 19.
If I get 3 g's a top (worst case senerio) I'll still get 2 zips. I'm hoping 5-6 at least. 7 or higher, I would be estatic.

i like the lst!! :)


New Member
Thanks Diddy.
The Critical Mass pheno is strong in this 1.
Gonna have to flower longer than I anticipated, I think.


Active Member
very nice plant!!! like you said hps is the way to go it gives you way dense nugs keep up the good work and dont cut her down early you've came this far might as well let her finish up correctly!!! subscribed