1 of my seedling's true leaves fell off..


Well-Known Member
I dont remember how it happend , but these are VERY young plants, as in maybe a couple of days after sprouting from soil.

Im not here to say " ZOMG PLZ PLZ HELP MEH!! FAAAAAST "

I just need a bit of weed botany info..

Im under the impression that the embryonic leaves are a seedlings life support , and if they where to fall off somehow the plants are done for ( in the seedlings stage that is )

But i also know that the first set of true leaves are present, even inside the shell of a seed ( they are TINY, but there ).

Ever since 1 of the true leaves fell off , the plant has been wilting , and has now completely fallen over onto the soil, but the leaves are still a healthy green.

Does the seedling need both of their 1st true leaves to survive? Will it not be able to grow another one from the embryonic leaves support ? It looks as though this seedling is done for , as it's very week and unhealthy ( ever since the leaf fell off )

once thats answered i can take steps to recovery :weed: or simply plant a new one if its going to be a waste of hope



Well-Known Member
i cant get pics , camera is bust

but theres nothing that a picture can tell that i cant in words

1) 1 of the small true leaves ( the spear shaped ones ) fell off
2) The plant started wilting
3) The plant has now completely fallen over , but both the cotyledons and the remaining true leaf is still a deep green.

They are about a couple of inches away from the 3 CFL's above them, i have 2 plants the other one is very healthy and has NO problems.

They are both tiny , about 1 inch tall.

Iv'e also noticed that the sick plant has stunted growth, both with it's height and the leaf development, but i know that it's just mass shock.


Well-Known Member
Does the seedling need both of their 1st true leaves to survive? Will it not be able to grow another one from the embryonic leaves support ? It looks as though this seedling is done for , as it's very week and unhealthy ( ever since the leaf fell off )
I suspect they dampened off ( a fungal thing) if so the crown growth tip is destroyed and no further growth will take place. Did you have it in a humidity dome ?


Well-Known Member
No , its my rubber maid grow box with intake air coming in , outake fan pulling air out and 2 small internal fans blowing inside.


Well-Known Member
to help it stand up while it repairs it self a cheap easy fix it taking a fast food straw cutting it to the length of the stem, splitting it up the side and fitting it around the stem to add structur and is easyly removed after its no longer needed. i know this dosn't fix your leaf being gone problem but it might give your plant the support it needs to survive this


Well-Known Member
to help it stand up while it repairs it self a cheap easy fix it taking a fast food straw cutting it to the length of the stem, splitting it up the side and fitting it around the stem to add structur and is easyly removed after its no longer needed. i know this dosn't fix your leaf being gone problem but it might give your plant the support it needs to survive this
aye, just like they do for saplings, with the plastic drain pipe.. ;)
that might help it.

also i had that kind of problem just the other day, 2 of my seedlings were fine and one was drooping all the way down like it wanted to quit, but has nice stem and leaves.. the cube was getting dry fast cause of the fan, and it was lackin water.. even though the root tip was just in the water (in a dWC). i put a little water on the cube to soak it and it perked up within 15 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like over fertilizing, or over watering.
There are TWO PLANTS. They both get exactly the same treatment. Same light , same water , same ammount of water same misting , same ph. One is healthy and one is not.


Focus man.


Well-Known Member
Checked on her today, the stem is VERY weak and the root is a dark brown...
She passed away this morning,

Conclusion for future reference and for anyone who stumbles upon this thread:

When a seedling is young , it needs both its cotyledons AND its first set of true leaves to survive. If any of those leaves happen to fall off , the plant will suffer , and probably end up dying , as in my case.

Close thread plz.


hi i have my seedling under a 125w cfl and its been under it for 6 days and its about 1inch tall iv seen pics of seedlings and there alot taller than mine y is mine not taller and the lights about 8 inch away any help pleas ty :D


Well-Known Member
after a seed sprouts and shows its embryonic leaves your lights should not be closer than 6 inches. till they have made a real set of leaves then lower to 4 inches till the next set is made then lower to 3 inches with cfl's. your babies are very fragile when so young and to strong of light aka close will kill them more than not. also at this point you only need water i use riot root cubes so when my babies get 2nd set (1st real set of leaves i put them into a soil mix for seedlings 45% and potting soil 45% all organic and 10% miracle grow potting soil. this is what i use outdoors and never lets me down. my plants will be good on food for the first 4 week maybe 6 they will tell me when they need more.


Well-Known Member
yeah man happened to me i first time but it turned out great about week 2. but that coz an a jedi grower lol


Well-Known Member
after a seed sprouts and shows its embryonic leaves your lights should not be closer than 6 inches. till they have made a real set of leaves then lower to 4 inches till the next set is made then lower to 3 inches with cfl's. your babies are very fragile when so young and to strong of light aka close will kill them more than not. also at this point you only need water i use riot root cubes so when my babies get 2nd set (1st real set of leaves i put them into a soil mix for seedlings 45% and potting soil 45% all organic and 10% miracle grow potting soil. this is what i use outdoors and never lets me down. my plants will be good on food for the first 4 week maybe 6 they will tell me when they need more.
Ya'll are posting on a thread that's been closed since 2008 :wall:
yeah man happened to me i first time but it turned out great about week 2. but that coz an a jedi grower lol


Active Member
Have you considered that the embryotic leaf falling off too soon is more of a symptom rather than a cause here?

Stake it up and don't over water. Might be worth dosing with some fungrarid and distilled water as per the directions. Do both plants.


Well-Known Member
Have you considered that the embryotic leaf falling off too soon is more of a symptom rather than a cause here?

Stake it up and don't over water. Might be worth dosing with some fungrarid and distilled water as per the directions. Do both plants.
the pant died over 5 years ago


Well-Known Member
Checked on her today, the stem is VERY weak and the root is a dark brown...
She passed away this morning,

Conclusion for future reference and for anyone who stumbles upon this thread:

When a seedling is young , it needs both its cotyledons AND its first set of true leaves to survive. If any of those leaves happen to fall off , the plant will suffer , and probably end up dying , as in my case.

Close thread plz.
....see... 2008 was the date on this thread