1 month old from seed. Looking good?


hi mates.
sorry for english.

this is my first grow.
there is 4 plants, 32 days old from seed.
now ~50cm (~20") all of them.
i have 400watt mh and 400watt hps.
first 25 days from seed under mh 18/6. next 7 days under hps 12/12.
used gh flora series nuts with this schedule:

how it look?



thanks guys.
what about height? is it normal? tall or short?
spesifically what is height standard of 1 month old plant's (i think these are indica)?


Well-Known Member
Looks real good. I like to lst my plants
to try to keep the buds around the same
height. Partly because i flower under 250w hps, grow in 2 gal pots, and only
flower 2 plants at a time.
Using lst i can keep my lights real close to
the top of the canopy, and even as little
as two plants, i average between
4 to 6 oz. per harvest.

This is the first of 2 plants harvested last
weekend, she weighed out at 74g after
drying, before curing.



Very nice lookin Girls you have there my friend! I hope your ready to let them finish about 60" or just under 2m tall. I would personally either LST or do some major trimming so that you can keep them bout 3' or 1m tall. I noticed that you said your using 400w lamps? their good and cool ( when compared to 600-100w lamps) but their light penetration pattern is only 3-4 feet max. if they grow to be 6'(2m) tall the bottom half of the plant will produce leafy airy buds that will lack density and potency. keep um short and the whole plant will yield premo tops.