1 month old AutoFem

Healthy / stunted

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You should plan to get at least an ounce per plant or it might not be worth the effort.
The more the better, but as a first timer and i only got a stunted autoflower, i dont know if one ounce is realistic :D So if i get half an ounce i would be very happy ! Any tips to improve my yield? I mean how does it look now should i do anything else to it? Or just leave it do its thing?


Well-Known Member
Lst looks great but im not sure that will really help yield on an auto im pretty sure you just want to leave an auto be and water/nute on a good solid schedule depending on when the plant needs it not depending on how many days apart.


Lst looks great but im not sure that will really help yield on an auto im pretty sure you just want to leave an auto be and water/nute on a good solid schedule depending on when the plant needs it not depending on how many days apart.
Should i remove the strings and just let it be? Im very indecesive atm...


Well-Known Member
yes you should just let the plant grow naturally it will be much easier for a novice grower and you will benefit on yield , I wouldn't do any training personally on any auto just grow it in the best conditions possible and refine techniques after growing strain a few times. Hopefully this first grow will give you some experience with autos gl :)


yes you should just let the plant grow naturally it will be much easier for a novice grower and you will benefit on yield , I wouldn't do any training personally on any auto just grow it in the best conditions possible and refine techniques after growing strain a few times. Hopefully this first grow will give you some experience with autos gl :)
Thanks i will untie it :(


Well-Known Member
np just let it go naturally give as much light as you can , also try to get 1 or 2 of your cfl's to a 2700k spectrum that will help a ton it has a lot more red in it.


Should i change my 40w 6300k clf with a 8w 2700k cfl? Would that be better? Dont worry about the rope my CFL's run very cool i can keep my hand without them burning at all since i have fans blowing directly on them, thanks for you awesome replies ! However it looks horible now its not straight at all, hope it straightens out...Can i help it get back to the shape it had before LST-ing?


Should i change my 40w 6300k clf with a 8w 2700k cfl? Would that be better? Dont worry about the rope my CFL's run very cool i can keep my hand without them burning at all since i have fans blowing directly on them, thanks for you awesome replies ! However it looks horible now its not straight at all, hope it straightens out...Can i help it get back to the shape it had before LST-ing?
I want the christmas tree shape back :((


Well-Known Member
just leave it alone further bending will not help, I would go to Walmart or home depot and get a 2700k bulb , the general rule is 100w per plant.


After it gets too big if my lights cant reach all the leaves properly i will just leave it outdoors for good, i will keep updating this thread. The growth has increased, or so i think, tommorow i will pot up! Will post pics !