1 month flowering first grow Skunk#1 Pics


Active Member
This is my first grow ever and every thing is turning out alright so far. I have had so many problems but learned from them. I am using advanced nutrients grow, micro, bloom, nirvana, sensizym. I have a air conditioner with a built in dehumidifier, In and Out vents 400w HPS on a track. And everything is in an aeroponics setup. The tallest plant is 49 inches all females. I got my seeds off Dutch Passion, they are feminized. Temperature 75-79, humidity 50-40. Here is some picture ill give and update.



Well-Known Member
am i right by thinking this is in a open space in a room?i would think you could harnest as much light as possible if you inclosed the space and lined the walls with reflective materials(mylar,flat white paint,etc.)just a thought......


Well-Known Member
sorry i see the mylar now,lol....but you get what im saying about closing in ...it looks real tatsy though!!!dont get me wrong!!


Active Member
You are right it is an open room. I have already thought of putting up walls. There are reflective space blankets. This picture shows my room pretty good. Here are some pictures. It is in a basement that has to doors to get to it each one has a lock on it.



Well-Known Member
now that is a nice f@#!$%^ spot,you could have a miracle grow down there(excuse my language)lol...but im sure you already thought of this,hahaha.it is coming along nice man.Good luck to you and your grow!~!!!!..........peace,ras


Well-Known Member
everything i see i sooo stretched im amazed those things can stand dous wind ever hit them? My plants look so diff from alot ive seen because they sre amonth old but only like four inches tall and maybe five in.wide..i have eight sets of leves on about three of them and the other three are not far behind. AM I doing something wrong?:confused:


Well-Known Member
everything i see i sooo stretched im amazed those things can stand dous wind ever hit them? My plants look so diff from alot ive seen because they sre amonth old but only like four inches tall and maybe five in.wide..i have eight sets of leves on about three of them and the other three are not far behind. AM I doing something wrong?:confused:
His plants are in flower plus if your useing soil they grow slower. Plants stretch up in flowering doubleing tripling their size. 4 inches for a month of veg is kinda slow. You should add more light I would guess. More=more growth.

And your skunk #1 is looking good. I using a 400 watt hps, so I will be watchin. Best of luck.:joint:


Well-Known Member
well yeah i did oiver nute them at first but theynever really slowed down growth wise from it there is so much leaf growth so close that i think i need to let it stretch. if i was light deficent they would have stretched not just stayed short and grown slow, what caused that was sulfer in the well water i started feeding them way to early. NOW I HAVE LIQUID WORM POOP! they seem to be liking it too!


Well-Known Member
sorry if i offendid you by phrasing what i said that way i just was shocked at how my plants are like midgets, obese little midgets!


Well-Known Member
+rep man, thanks for the pics, ur plants look uber cool..i love seeing mj in different shapes n sizes..makes me wanna smoke it more!!