1 gallon curing jars


Well-Known Member
I've been using 64 oz jars for years with no problems, but this years I'm growing large quantities and I found a killer deal on 1 gallon glass jars.
Is that too big?
Probably not, from what I have been reading on curing. Most try to 'burp' jars while others vent them for an extended period of time: hours rather than a moment. The part I'd pay attention to is to not let the buds on the bottom sit there for long. Best to really get them rotated well, maybe use a small fan to circulate air in there well being that you have what, twice the volume of the jars you normally use? May take a little longer in a process sense, but you'll enjoy seeing a few damn big jars of buds rather than a bunch of smaller ones no? A conversation for your friends if you smoke them out.
I've been using 64 oz jars for years with no problems, but this years I'm growing large quantities and I found a killer deal on 1 gallon glass jars.
Is that too big?
depends on your curing methods, if you use your jars to cure, you'll need to wait a bit longer in order for them to dry/cure.
That being said I use large jars my self, I think ming are at least a gallon if not more, I just don't like to cure them in those jars... takes too long.
But storing longterm? YES
Especially if you can find those nitrogen gas thingys they use for stabilizing opened wine bottles. Pure nitrogen from what I understand
depends on your curing methods, if you use your jars to cure, you'll need to wait a bit longer in order for them to dry/cure.
That being said I use large jars my self, I think ming are at least a gallon if not more, I just don't like to cure them in those jars... takes too long.
But storing longterm? YES
Especially if you can find those nitrogen gas thingys they use for stabilizing opened wine bottles. Pure nitrogen from what I understand

id think with a big container like that itd be better on its side as not to have buds stacked? i always feel weird keeping jars upright especially if i had a gallon container. maybe thats just me overthinking things.haha
id think with a big container like that itd be better on its side as not to have buds stacked? i always feel weird keeping jars upright especially if i had a gallon container. maybe thats just me overthinking things.haha

That was me overthinking things but I like your idea of rolling them on their side. Makes it easier for rotation and seems much softer on the buds rather than digging in and crushing everythin in sight to get the bottom buds to the top to keep from molding. I keep asking myself why the hell am I not growing? I love the processes pot goes through from seed to Ash.
I had come upon a great little tutorial on how to seal CURED weed for long term storage. The mention of the nitrogen is a good one but seems to be a process that would otherwise be useless unless you had a $4,000 piece of equipment. Also this would take a process to put in smaller jars for convenience depending on how much you smoke, you can smoke one jar and let others wait until you get to them.

So you will need a:
vacuum bag with that valve on the top. The bags need to be large enough to put the jar in.
A few mason jars with good fitting lids that are either half pint or quart depending on the bags you find.
A pump for your bags.

Put the pot in the mason jar, less stems the better. Loosely stock the jar...Leave maybe a quarter inch of space on top. Close the jar lid but not super tight. Put the jar in the bag and pump a lot! That bag will look tight but you still have to get the air out of the jar as well.

(A test to see if the air is out completely and no leaks.
Leave the jar and bag alone after you have pumped for about 5 mins or so and if the bag re-expands you either have a leaky bag or a leaky

If the pumping process has worked, you'll find the jar somewhat hard to open the lid, hearing that familiar "pop whoosh" if it does open. Repeat as many times as you have jars to fill. Carefully open the bag each time. Some of these bags are sometimes more fragile because they are often sealed once then tossed.
Id credit the guy who did this but he is under a different thread post. Nice
Cheap way to store and seal jars without the need to buy an expensive food saver machine with the hose vac option.