1 bag of soil. What goes on from here?

so often that is the primary step skipped.
it's hard to get some to fully understand that without microbes and a LOT of them, your soil will be totally fine, full of nutrients, but without the nutrients being cycled, it won't work.
sadly many have tried organics and hated it, because they dumped a bunch of nutrients in a soil mix and pissed off their plant by not cycling the soil.
That poor planning mixed with the comparison of observing the growth rates of chelated-chem grows and it's no wonder why people give up and go back to chems.
the reason i preach BOTH a compost and a wormbin is because they tend to breed different types of microbes, in specific the wormbin is almost purely a bacterial microbe population, as opposed to a compost pile that is more fungal (made correctly)
cannabis does in fact prefer more bacterial microbes but it does appreciate fungal ones as well, so i mix them when re-amending the soil (or the initial mix)

Word! That's why I gave him EWC and Steer/cow manure.....The two together make a very complete microbial spectrum...Wonderful fungal spread in a cow gut..
So many like to want to use Horse, rabbit, and chicken.....Those are mainly a fert (NPK) value! Bio side is lacking and you can drw a direct line between those and higher nutritional values on certain levels.

I have made so many mistakes, it's mind boggling. One of them was "enhancing" FFOF with a *big* scoop of both alfalfa & kelp meal. More is better, right?
My plants all died a slow death. :fire::wall:
In hindsight, I'm pretty sure PH was WAY off & who knows where NPK ended up.
Not pretty.
Don't do that. o_O

Another nice reply! 1/4's are a safe area in a single cubic ft of OF. The 1/3 cup of a base nutrient has a little "push" to it and has no real problem with it - as long as (like grease said) he balances the values (N back up , with a slower release version). The Alfalfa gives a nice avg release at around a 3-1-2 value and Kelp at around 1-.2-2 helps boost the K with almost no P..not to mention the root growth/micro factor of kelp.....

It was just a quick mix, designed to be easy for a person new to organics.
I have made so many mistakes, it's mind boggling. One of them was "enhancing" FFOF with a *big* scoop of both alfalfa & kelp meal. More is better, right?
My plants all died a slow death. :fire::wall:
In hindsight, I'm pretty sure PH was WAY off & who knows where NPK ended up.
Not pretty.
Don't do that. o_O
i'd say 100% of us have done almost that exact same thing
or another mistake is trying to replicate growing organically in too small of pots
orrr using molasses as a nutrient...
lets seeee, how else have I fucked up...
OH, ya cant "finish" planst outside in the winter.. Even in California, tried that yrs ago.. got cold the nugs just darken, but stop growing. They did turn a cool blackish color though..
don't ask how I know.
ballast broke, I was broke
it was January..
If I was baked right now i'm sure I could conjure more THC laden fuck-up memories from the depths of the forgotten..
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So many like to want to use Horse, rabbit, and chicken.....Those are mainly a fert (NPK) value! Bio side is lacking and you can drw a direct line between those and higher nutritional values on certain levels.
Yea, totally, I always say those are best when you "run them through" worms before using
I cant remember but I think it was pattahabi that had a link somewhere where it said the actual macro numbers in rabbit manure improved after worms processing.
keep in mind that was stoner memory.. so it may be composting rather than vermicomposting..
either way I thought it was fascinating that the macro levels can increase over time rather than decrease
Anyone gotten into Shilajit? Its a resin that contains 35% fulvic acid seen this one guy on instgram Plant and Prosper get into deeply for himself, plants and pets its pretty dope because it seems natural as fuck and comes from the mountains in nepal really good stuff to look into but it is pretty pricey its like $50 for 3 grams and you are to use .1 per gallon as a foliar spray
poor nepali guys...
Off topic question - nice pic lol , rottweiler?

listen to this guys they know their shit when it comes to soil. what i do after my solo cups is veg them out in 3 gallon pots with a lot of mycorrhizae directly on the roots , top dress with vermicompost and compost. before i do all that i already have a tea prepared to water with.enzyme tea containing fresh coconut water, popcorn sprouts, kelp, and alfalfa. your girls should be pointing upwards for a whole week. next watering i add 2tbsp of homemade aminos ( FFJ ) to 5 gallons of water and your girls will be even happier and exploding in no time. while i veg i cook up my soil if i dont have any. flower is a whole different ball game gotta get your fungal shit on point and ready to top dress accordingly.

Sorry for not replying and thats my baby girl Mila! Shes a boxer and doberman mix and a blessing in my life lol had to add that little extra bit! She is a shedder though -.-

Anyways, that sounds ideal and simple! Thanks for the breakdown!
so often that is the primary step skipped.
it's hard to get some to fully understand that without microbes and a LOT of them, your soil will be totally fine, full of nutrients, but without the nutrients being cycled, it won't work.
sadly many have tried organics and hated it, because they dumped a bunch of nutrients in a soil mix and pissed off their plant by not cycling the soil.
That poor planning mixed with the comparison of observing the growth rates of chelated-chem grows and it's no wonder why people give up and go back to chems.
the reason i preach BOTH a compost and a wormbin is because they tend to breed different types of microbes, in specific the wormbin is almost purely a bacterial microbe population, as opposed to a compost pile that is more fungal (made correctly)
cannabis does in fact prefer more bacterial microbes but it does appreciate fungal ones as well, so i mix them when re-amending the soil (or the initial mix)

Thats why I want to take a slow small approach myself and not get lost in the sauce and quit the game early and get bottled nutes never!

Quick question. The ladies look a bit bright green at the growing tops. Not the sorta dark green they should be. Never ran into this with seedlings im not sure if the light is to close or for some reason they need a little more something? Id like to say N or calmag but I dont want to sound like a idiot who thinks he knows what hes doing. So far at day 8 and they are working on third node but I feel as if they are going slow. Not sure if under a 300w lamp they should look like seedlings still. Would bumping the watts to 450 help? Or top dress very little with some castings?
I have made so many mistakes, it's mind boggling. One of them was "enhancing" FFOF with a *big* scoop of both alfalfa & kelp meal. More is better, right?
My plants all died a slow death. :fire::wall:
In hindsight, I'm pretty sure PH was WAY off & who knows where NPK ended up.
Not pretty.
Don't do that. o_O

Im afraid of that! I once grew some salty kush.. to much nutes and barley enough flush. It was my first grow though so lol @ me. Its pretty much the reason why I want to go organic.. smh lol I had the "more is better" theory in my head to
Sorry for this noob post.

Id like to show you guys some pics. Dont want to run the risk of the piggie poos catching on to me even tho im a medical patient in a mmj state.

Can someone please give me advice and insight on using proxy servers on phones? Not internet here so just have the cell. If anyone can take the time to explain to me which server is best to use and a simple walk through would help to. Just want to show pictures incase I ever run into anything big and cant explain it with words.
Thats why I want to take a slow small approach myself and not get lost in the sauce and quit the game early and get bottled nutes never!

Quick question. The ladies look a bit bright green at the growing tops. Not the sorta dark green they should be. Never ran into this with seedlings im not sure if the light is to close or for some reason they need a little more something? Id like to say N or calmag but I dont want to sound like a idiot who thinks he knows what hes doing. So far at day 8 and they are working on third node but I feel as if they are going slow. Not sure if under a 300w lamp they should look like seedlings still. Would bumping the watts to 450 help? Or top dress very little with some castings?
well, that could be a lot of things, typically any deficiencies won't show themselves that early.
if it's just a slight lighter color that's sorta normal. if they are growing still I wouldn't sweat it.
but if they aren't growing then you may have issues with the soil they are in.
don't bump up the light, at that size they can't use the extra anyways
don't topdress with anything either.
get some pics too
Sorry for this noob post.

Id like to show you guys some pics. Dont want to run the risk of the piggie poos catching on to me even tho im a medical patient in a mmj state.

Can someone please give me advice and insight on using proxy servers on phones? Not internet here so just have the cell. If anyone can take the time to explain to me which server is best to use and a simple walk through would help to. Just want to show pictures incase I ever run into anything big and cant explain it with words.

well, that could be a lot of things, typically any deficiencies won't show themselves that early.
if it's just a slight lighter color that's sorta normal. if they are growing still I wouldn't sweat it.
but if they aren't growing then you may have issues with the soil they are in.
don't bump up the light, at that size they can't use the extra anyways
don't topdress with anything either.
get some pics too

It is just a slight color but just looks too green. As soon as I get tor running n i learn to use it ill put up a pic of my favorite babe. Its only towards the new growing tips. She is growing but i also feel like for 1 week she shoupd be a bit bigger. These are old seeds about 4 months old so not sure if that makes a difference. I wont top dress or mess with em.

the bigger ones are finishing off the 2nd fan leave working tiwards the 3rd node nothing to weird on the fans that can tell me anything either. Ill see how they go tomorrow
Sorry for not replying and thats my baby girl Mila! Shes a boxer and doberman mix and a blessing in my life lol had to add that little extra bit! She is a shedder though -.-

Anyways, that sounds ideal and simple! Thanks for the breakdown!
i feel you... i have to let both of my dogs out now to sleep cause i would wake up to pure destruction. my other dog is fine my rottie is the one who destroys everything theres literally nothing left for him to destroy in my yard lol. Mila sounds awesome take good care of her man. :bigjoint:
i feel you... i have to let both of my dogs out now to sleep cause i would wake up to pure destruction. my other dog is fine my rottie is the one who destroys everything theres literally nothing left for him to destroy in my yard lol. Mila sounds awesome take good care of her man. :bigjoint:

Ill upload a pic for you later shes a bit bigger now at 7 months. That was when she was a litto one!
Is your rottie a girl or boy? Mila the same way she even likes walls -.- and I will! :)
Cant upload pics site wont let me continue uploading after I choose the pics from the browser tab. Any suggestions?
Ill upload a pic for you later shes a bit bigger now at 7 months. That was when she was a litto one!
Is your rottie a girl or boy? Mila the same way she even likes walls -.- and I will! :)
7month boy as well wtf o_O yeah my fence sucks its falling apart and shit, now i have him biting it apart... what do you do to stop her? ive tried everything including spraying hot sauce on his favorite munch spots lol which seems to have worked a lil.
7month boy as well wtf o_O yeah my fence sucks its falling apart and shit, now i have him biting it apart... what do you do to stop her? ive tried everything including spraying hot sauce on his favorite munch spots lol which seems to have worked a lil.
I have a lil exp with dog training, at 7 months he is teething.. get him a nylabone, and see if that helps, also if he is tied up or tethered it'll sometimes get dogs to "fixate" on chewing as a way to deal with the anxiety (many dogs don't like being tied up aways from their owner) or in a yard by themselves
last but not least, some dogs are simply social animals (they are naturally of course) so that could also be a form of anxiety from being alone.
some dogs need companion dogs
another is if your dog is highly intelligent that creates challenges as well, with intellect brings curiosity and mischief (just like kids), so if that's the case you need to find those training toys where you can put treats inside rubber toys that are challenging for the dog to pick it out.
7month boy as well wtf o_O yeah my fence sucks its falling apart and shit, now i have him biting it apart... what do you do to stop her? ive tried everything including spraying hot sauce on his favorite munch spots lol which seems to have worked a lil.

I cant really get her to stop, it sucks she has a big sister there with her Luna a blue pit lab mix. I hate that I have to yell at them then they think im mean and they go and love up on my girlfriend lol love em tho