1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

Added two CFLS and heres a picture
Plant is 2 days transplanted into Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
Watered yesterday
Added the two new CFLS today.photo.jpg


The plant has grown substantially for one week since being put into FFOF, however, now I see yellow spots on leaves, there is one leaf that has turned brown on the tip and has a hole :(, and there is curling by almost all the leaves in the downward position. Could it be overwatering, underwatering, nute burn, not enough nutes, or the ph?
I only watered it when dry, and I kept checking every day and the soil was moist. Last time I watered it was two days ago. There are LOTS of baby leaves coming in from the nodes and they look like they have a tendency to curl already! ;( Also, the small cotedylons have completely yellowed out. Look at the very bottom of the plant ;( Help?photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 4.jpgphoto 5.jpg



Active Member
Maybe Nitrogen abundance? But let someone with more experience answer your question before you do anything. You may end up needling to flush. Or it's just a runty pheno like others said.