1.4 million illegals working under stolen Social Security numbers

It takes petrochemicals to grow crops, in an attempt to reduce greenhouse gases there is an extra cost build in just to reduce the amount people use as a deterrent. Unfortunately when you produce food, there is at this stage very little food you can produce without.

When farmers learn to correctly use cover crops the amount of fuel and fertiliser (from the same source), will be greatly reduced. As you basically roll over the cover crop with the front of the tractor and plant seeds in between the chopped over mulch with a planter at the back of the same tractor. Tthe next time you come by is to harvest.

Conventionally if you used tilling, you would have to go over the soil many times in order to have it ready for season.

McCows mostly eat corn.
How do you think they prepare the soil for corn, how do you think it is harvested, taken to storage and shipped?
Even some of the nutrient are waste products from mining oil and making fuel.
So why is it then that the price of these machines goes down and down over time as they become easier to produce? Why would we all concede that the machines will give more overhead but the ag products go up and up?

Beef, bread, lettuce, all much easier to produce now than years ago.....yet the price goes up, not down like the machines.


The price for iceberg lettuce was over $60 a case not too long ago...

The price for iceberg lettuce was over $60 a case not too long ago...

lettuce is a short term supply effect largely due to weather this year. the price of certain lake dams saw this effect as well.

how about long term averages?
take milk or bread.....all automated now yet the price increases year after year....as hd televisions and McCashiers are produced the prices go down and down for those machines.

Our economic system utlizes the FICA system, not a gold standard.

Which is why Gaddafi was assassinated.

The price of everything goes up, which is why real estate is your best bet for investment as it follows inflation. Yet, location, location, location is a common term with real estate agents.

Look at California. There were huge neighborhoods built with promises of business to follow (they should have waited for the business to show first) people moved and the houses they sold for pennies on the dollar what they are worth today.

It was an economic wool to trick people to leave voluntarily in order to acquire the properties, raise property values and keep the unwanted out.

It is a fuked up world we live in.

UB claimed to be a Jew, now he says he's not.

An agnostic who doesn't believe in "sky daddys", yet believes in Judaism.

He should probably see a therapist. The inlaws probably don't want to give their apartments to a crazy person.

honorary jew. even attended services in portland a few times at the agnostic reconstructionist humanist temple.

hard to believe not everything is black and white, i know.

retarded trump bait.
We've done this a thousand times. In Australia, the burger is like 25% smaller and they rely heavily on teenage employees who work below the min wage. And all the other menu prices are higher.

i know you've tried telling that lie a thousand times, it has also been debunked a thousand times in australia alone, not to mention every other country on the planet.

honorary jew. even attended services in portland a few times at the agnostic reconstructionist humanist temple.

hard to believe not everything is black and white, i know.

retarded trump bait.
You mock sky daddies, yet you worship one.

Lol, and you call others retard.
did you happen to see the price of a big mac in denmark, retarded neo-nazi spambot?
no min wage in denmark, which is a state of the Eu and defense budget is subsidized by the us. see the price of cars in Denmark?

comparing all the nation states in the U.S. to one state of the Eu is beyond stupid and proves you get your info from memes.