1-315 CMH in a 3x3 past yields??


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Was wondering for any who have grown with this for flowering, what kind of yield did you see out of a 3x3?

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
I had ran a 315w cmh in a 3x3x7ft tent with a single flowering autoflower plant, Northern Lights Blue. It fetched me a yield of between 3 and 4 ounces. I was shocked that I pulled so much off of an untrained, untopped, christmas tree shaped plant. I haven't tried to recreate that grow again, I usually flower my plants in a 6.5x6.5x6.5ft tent. I think it worked out so well because the tight space allowed buds that weren't recieving direct light were still able to recieve a great deal of indirect reflected light. Just be sure to grab a 3100k spectrum bulb if you decide to roll with that...good luck buddy. :) Oh and I about forgot, for that grow I used the Vivosun reflector and Philips 3100k bulb. If I could have a do-over, I would've went with the Sun System Neutron Reflector Remote Ballast setup. It's a much smaller and compact design, and the remote ballast allows for you to situate your ballast outside of your grow tent rather than it being a part of your fixture which in turn, creates more heat in your canopy.


Well-Known Member
6 ozs

I own the vivosun sleek model, imo it only flowers 2.5x2.5 at best. Everything within the 2x2 gets smashed with greatness tho

Big thick chunky dense buds


Well-Known Member
This is what I currently have going.
1st grow.
3 bag seed plants.
315W Hydro Crunch-w-Phillips 3100k.
Scroged,FIMed, and Super Cropped to try and maximize space.

2 weeks in flower.

Hoping for a decent yield...

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Well-Known Member
Lowest I've hit was 8 zips from a 3x3 with 315 and highest was 12.5 zips. Average is around 10 zips. I have run two tents setup like this for some time so my numbers aren't just from a one time run so they should be pretty consistent.

I am not trying to discourage you but some of the bud sites on that plant look kinda funny I have no experience with them looking like that maybe post in plant problems and see what others think. Again don't freak out I could be wrong but something looks like it could be off.


Well-Known Member
Lowest I've hit was 8 zips from a 3x3 with 315 and highest was 12.5 zips. Average is around 10 zips. I have run two tents setup like this for some time so my numbers aren't just from a one time run so they should be pretty consistent.

I am not trying to discourage you but some of the bud sites on that plant look kinda funny I have no experience with them looking like that maybe post in plant problems and see what others think. Again don't freak out I could be wrong but something looks like it could be off.
Yeah plants r a bit wonky.
Got thrown into flower early due to stress from a bad replant right after a mass FIM was done. That pic was about 5 days ago so they are getting better.
Also had a nitrogen toxicity issue due to feeding them Tomato food @ the start...
Live and learn....

Pictures from this morning...

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Well-Known Member
I often have transplant issues, I'm working on getting better at that I know the problem but it's more of a space issue then anything for me plants often stay in small pots longer than they should. But that being said, I will let them go a bit longer in veg and cut them back if they get too big. I think it's better to send em in healthy or close to it even if have to wait and veg a bit longer, I have vegg d plants fairly large and cut them way back down to flower them with no problems. Don't b afraid to use scissors, they grow back lol. I cut my mom's from 3 ft tall back down to 1 ft tall on the regular and never lost one or anything. Of course in a perfect world everything would be timed just right but I rarely time things right as there are so many variables to that.