1-2 weeks into flowering. Male or female?


ok let me start off by explaining whats been going on for a while.

i've stunted 1 of my plants very badly that it is only 3 inches tall, with leaves drooping a lot (i've dropped it and damaged it's roots before).

My second one is in much better shape but yesterday I accidentally dropped it as well...but it seems to be recovering nicely. i've discovered that the roots were not stretched far at all; meaning it is around 1-2 inches long. how can i get the roots to grow longer?

both of my plants are starting to show fingerlike hairs. are these indications of female or are they ambiguous? i seen on the plants this small ball thing..and im afraid its a male. it's hard to tell though.. its like:


SIDEVIEW. the | | being the stem, the \ and / being the hairs, and this small ball above the branch. you can sorta see the bump on picture 5, which is above the right branch

NUTES: i have no clue what to do. are nutes the same as ferts? i'm curently feeding it house plant fertilizer with a number of 15-15-18 (idk what that is but maybe you guys can tell me).

can anyone tell me what I should get in the flowering stages? products from Home Depot would help me a lot since it's a bit close to where I live.

the pots are only about 7 inches in diameter and about 5-6 inches in depth. is that big enough? I'm also running only a 23watt Cool White (2700k range) CFL which is about 1100 lumens. i'm growing it in a 2x2x2 feet box with aluminum foil around every side.



Active Member
Poor little guys.

Balls mean male... Hairs mean female.

Overly stressed females tend to go Hermie, but you still have a good chance. Yes, they are small, but if you do everything right, you will still get a little smoke out of them.

Use this as a chance to tweek the rest of your setup.