ok so I should just change it outOh boy! well if you have root aphids they are a BASTARDS child! If you do have root aphids you will need to get rid of them immediatly. One way to do this is to FLUSH your plants with a root drench solution. I once used (Root Cleaner by central coast). You will need to follow the instructions for the amount of solution used (IT IS SAFE ALL MY PLANTS LIVED JUST FINE) and drowned those dirty bastards down. Since the plant is very small i would simply take it out of the pot you have it in dispose of the dirt and soak the small root nub and dirt around it in a small cup for 10-15 mins to make sure any bastards in the dirt DIE! spray your growing area and wipe it down in case any of them are around. Root aphids eat the nutrients from your roots that your plant is trying to use.
Instagram @GoatbudsUSA
Sry to bother but my root is very white and looks healthy to me but I may be wrong but this is my first grow and want it to wrk outOh boy! well if you have root aphids they are a BASTARDS child! If you do have root aphids you will need to get rid of them immediatly. One way to do this is to FLUSH your plants with a root drench solution. I once used (Root Cleaner by central coast). You will need to follow the instructions for the amount of solution used (IT IS SAFE ALL MY PLANTS LIVED JUST FINE) and drowned those dirty bastards down. Since the plant is very small i would simply take it out of the pot you have it in dispose of the dirt and soak the small root nub and dirt around it in a small cup for 10-15 mins to make sure any bastards in the dirt DIE! spray your growing area and wipe it down in case any of them are around. Root aphids eat the nutrients from your roots that your plant is trying to use.
Instagram @GoatbudsUSA
This is my first grow
ok so I should just change it out