08' marijuana march


New Member
I was wondering how that turned out.. Didn't find any information on the net about reviews or anything. I hope it worked out for everyone and no one got into too much trouble. Just let me know if you went and how it was.


Well-Known Member
it was supposed to huge in Austin, this org OutGrowBigBro was all over promo for like atleast 6 months...yet I've heard nothing about it, and I'm close enough to Austin


New Member
I think it's only a big thing in Canada and the UK... America isn't as focused. I don't know why though because we have so many smokers... maybe it's because of the different laws between states or the fact that many people are just too lazy.


I think it's only a big thing in Canada and the UK... America isn't as focused. I don't know why though because we have so many smokers... maybe it's because of the different laws between states or the fact that many people are just too lazy.

people are just either too damn lazy or the powers that be have succeeded in brainwashing them into being convinced that they are criminals for smoking herb. i think that is the main problem in america; most stoners have accepted that they are "criminals", and criminals dont advertise their wrongdoings. i personally know that i am not a criminal for smoking weed, that is why i will stand up for my right and not be ashamed of saying that i am a cannabis smoker and an otherwise upstanding citizen. you have to fight for your beliefs, or at least believe in them enough to stand up for them. why will they ever legalize it if most of the people that use it are too ashamed/scared to stand up and say that they will not tolerate it being illegal.


New Member
This is very true. We do need to be more verbal with the cause.. get more people to stand up and question things rather than be a sheep.

"Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!" -Braveheart

"Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke. Now that's an addiction. You ever suck some dick for marijuana?" -Half Baked


Well-Known Member
it was supposed to huge in Austin, this org OutGrowBigBro was all over promo for like atleast 6 months...yet I've heard nothing about it, and I'm close enough to Austin
yea the texas cannibis crusade its preatty bad ass i went to it in austin this year march wasnt that big like 60 people at most.