06' Beans


Active Member
Stumbled across some old "gear" beans (am I boomer lol), I do recognize some strain names and breeder names, maybe some older forum members can chime in. Seems like they journeyed across the pond in a corrugated yard sign with q-tips stuffed in the ends. I can't remember honestly, they were freebie, 15 year old plus beans now. I expect germination rates to be low of course but they still look superb high quality. Any thoughts???

(Original email)


white widow x northern lights exspect about 8 to ten weeks of flower time from when you turn your lights to 12 hours if you turn the plants at 12 inches high you should end up with a plant between 3 to 4 foot tall tielding 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 oz boath parents were good yielders with the widow finishing at 10 weeks and the nl finishing in 8 weeks


44mag x [ califonia indica x black domina ]

this is a 3 way hybred that should take aprox 7 to 9 weeks from turning your lights to 12 hours the california x black domina was a nice dense crystaly plant that took 8 weeks to flower with nice dence buds covered woth a nice light snow of reson the 44 mag is a cross of top 44 a plant that is redy for harvest in 44 days nice tight buds with a resonable stone crossed with something elsa that i cant remeber it was fronm hellfire seeds


44 mag x lifesaver this cross is simeler to no2 in time and growth patons but with a sweater tast and a medative stone


northern lights x block head this northern lights mum was a 7 week from turning of lights strain with large resony buds . thje block head is from breeder steve and is a short indica dom plant with a sativa style stone so this one could go eather way its growth paton should be symeler to the mum but the stone could go eather way i am tiping a 7 to 9 week strain i havnt grown any of these out and only made a few so you are one of the few to get any


mr purple x purple 1 this is a cross of my faverate mum i ran for a long time she was a 8 week strain with a nice hevy stone x with a purple #1 male this should be a 8 week strain with a good coating of reson the buds will be a little fluffy but a good number of them with some nice purple coulor of some of the mums about 50% of the females will go purple


[ ak47 x chronic ] x lifesaver this should be a nice strain for pain the lifesaverto put a bit of tast into the cross and the ak47 for punch and the chronic for punch and yield so i would give this a go this should be a 8 week strain from change of lights


thia x chronic this is a cross of a pure thia from 1979 held pure with chronic from seriouse seeds this will be a 10 to 12 week strain with a sweet smell of fruit with a nice sativa stone if you get the right mum i am growing some out at the moment but they are only 3 inches tall and ahve only been up for about a week so not much info on this one . the thia is a killer but not enough yield like all sativa's the chronic is a hard hitting comercial strain wich im hoping will put a bit more weight on the mum and reduce her flower time down to about 10 weeks . this should be good for giving apertite


sweet tooth #3 f2 these are a repraduction of sweet tooth from breeder steve its a good yielding strain with nice dense frosty buds with a sweet fruity tast of blue berry if you get the right mum she has a bit of a sativa dom stone it can knock you down if you smoke to much but leave the brain wandering and can couse servere munchie's this i recomend as a strain to grow
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A picture is worth more of course, Mom dukes gave me that box (love you momma rip). Miss those early 2000 days :( could be a few head bangers in here.


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White Widow x NL should be great. NL famous oldschool strain and White Widow VERY popular dutch hybrid
Very cool find!

older seeds (10+ years) will germinate without issues if they’ve been stored properly.

If they weren’t stored in a fridge or freezer you can expect seasonal temperature and humidity changes to have effected the germ rate.

best of luck.
Ugh, the box makes me think these weren't stored in a fridge all this time. I would start off testing 1 or 2 seeds to see if they germinate and grow, maybe from the first one off your list because you have a fair #. Seedlings might be more sluggish than from younger seeds. You should probably throw all the old tricks at 'em to try to ensure germination: scuff, probably use a drop of food grade hydrogen peroxide in the soak water, etc...

If you're successful with the first two... could start trying others, if not... maybe look into more extreme measures... or start a whole mess and see if the germination rates are at least acceptable, if not ideal.
Ugh, the box makes me think these weren't stored in a fridge all this time. I would start off testing 1 or 2 seeds to see if they germinate and grow, maybe from the first one off your list because you have a fair #. Seedlings might be more sluggish than from younger seeds. You should probably throw all the old tricks at 'em to try to ensure germination: scuff, probably use a drop of food grade hydrogen peroxide in the soak water, etc...

If you're successful with the first two... could start trying others, if not... maybe look into more extreme measures... or start a whole mess and see if the germination rates are at least acceptable, if not ideal.

They definitely weren't stored in the fridge/freezer, I honestly never heard of that until I started looking into germ rates here recently. I would've done that but I don't remember that even being recommended back then. They've survived 4 moves but spent the whole time in that box and mostly in my closet that stays cool so hopefully I'll get a few to pop! Thanks!!
I've had varied success with the float-tek germination technique. Now I don't soak them at all, I just put them in a moist paper towel in a plastic dixie cup with a ziploc sandwich bag over the top, and put that on a wire rack shelf in my mother plant/clone room. This way they get some heat and a photoperiod to stimulate them.

I've been getting close to 100% germination rate and very uniform sprouts doing this. I think it's your best bet with older seeds.
I've had varied success with the float-tek germination technique. Now I don't soak them at all, I just put them in a moist paper towel in a plastic dixie cup with a ziploc sandwich bag over the top, and put that on a wire rack shelf in my mother plant/clone room. This way they get some heat and a photoperiod to stimulate them.

I've been getting close to 100% germination rate and very uniform sprouts doing this. I think it's your best bet with older seeds.

Same, I don't soak anymore. I make a spray of water & peroxide though to spray in ziploc so it stays fresh for seeds that might take awhile.
They definitely weren't stored in the fridge/freezer, I honestly never heard of that until I started looking into germ rates here recently. I would've done that but I don't remember that even being recommended back then. They've survived 4 moves but spent the whole time in that box and mostly in my closet that stays cool so hopefully I'll get a few to pop! Thanks!!
Long as was kept in a cool dry n dark place they will pop fine ive popped older that werent stored in fridges etc with no issues you should be fine mate
Research gibberillic acid, aka ga-3, application rate for aiding seed germination. Definitely go light if you're using the straight acid.

You could also try a seed sprout tea. This will have all the chemicals and hormones that your seed might not contain enough of to produce a seedling.

Anything high in fulvic acid will be of help as well. I have a bottle of urb that may have helped a few seeds along that had no results from straight water.