0 For 9!


Active Member
Damn this is frustrating!

I've germinated seeds before, but that was quite a while ago, as I've jst been cloning. So I'm not a novice. If anything, I was TOO careful.

Can't quite remember exactly how I did it last time, but no problems. THIS time however, I'm 'O' fer 9! Here's what I did:

-Received seeds from BC SeedKing-God Bud, Da Purps, and Sweet Tooth. Fast, stealthy service. A+
-Using a papercupS, soaked 3 seeds apiece in 3 paper cups, with lid. Water was treated with 1 teaspoon bleach (for the lot, not each). Cups were covered and placed on top of TV.
-Within 24 hours, all seeds had cracked.
-Placed seeds about 1 inch down in a 'seedling' mix from the dollar store. (small bags for a $1, they actually had a big selection of 'specific' soils for Herb, flowering plants, vegetable, etc.) Mix was specified as 'garden soil' with the majority being peat moss. As peat moss is water shedding, I pre-soaked it. Also added perlite for drainability.
-Placed small containers, 1 seed per, under a humidity dome with a hole in top. Sprayed interior of dome daily. Soil stayed moist.
-Watched and waited for about 8 days. Nothing. Not 1. Unbelievable.

So, I dug up one of the seeds today. It looked exactly like I planted it 8 days ago. Cracked with no signs of further growth.

So, that's it. I'm hoping someone sees a glaring error (You fool! Peat moss? PEAT MOSS!?!) cause I'm clueless.

Thanks for your time.



Active Member
By the way, if someone knows a better method, please share. (Yes, I do know about the paper towel method....but could use a refresher. Or even a good link. For example, not sure how long you let them go in that method--cracked or taproot a good ways out?--, and then, do you completely bury them?....whats a good soil mix?)

Sorry, I digress. Just frustrated.


Active Member
I would look at the bleach.

Also, are the seeds old?

I only leave seeds in cup of water till most sink to bottom and then into paper towel on a plate.

I use distilled water with a splash of tap. Wait for it to get to room temp before adding seeds.

Bleach or to much time in cup o water are my best guesses.

Lose the dome that is for clones.


Well-Known Member
yeah the bleach is quite uncalled for, and may well be the source of your problems. a full inch is to deep as well. i recently germ'd 13 seeds, 24 hour soak in water, then into the wet paper towels for another day or so, till they start popping tap roots. as soon as the tap root is showing good its time to plant. tap root down. you want to have it maybe a seeds length deep, well a seed depth of soil on top. i prefer planting in jiffy pellets, the expanding ones. or starter plugs from the hydro shop, those work great.. or even rockwool cubes. i have 3 in cubes 10 in jiffys not all have broke soil yet, but they have only been in them for about 24 hours, about half have. keep the medium damp. not soaked, not dry. good luck on your next beans, maybe try some bagseed till you get it down.


Active Member
Why would you add bleach to your water? What were you thinking man...? :spew: :cry:
yea, I thought that was suspect too, but after reading a few of the 'cup' method which mentioned a 'splash' of bleach to kill any germs/fungus, thought I'd give it a try.

Looks like it did a good job.....killing my seeds.


Well-Known Member
Never heard of using bleach before,that stuff is only for cleaning up!!!I use the paper towel method
i got a tupperware container and drilled small holesd thru the top of it,i place the towl on top of it and
spray it with tap water that i left to stand for a day or to,to get rid of the chlorine(the main component of bleach!!)
i scuff the seed's in a match box lined with emery paper,place them in a cup of water till the crack,lay them on the paper towel,
place more paper on top and spray this till it damp,any excess water will drain through the holes,then put it some where warm and dark
the worst germ rate i have gotten is 9 for 10!!!