So started a grow 3 weeks ago everything going great 2 auto banana blaze usually just nl autos cos most others I tried tasted crap or didnt yield much .
They were fine the whole time then I check em this morning and one leaf looks either eaten from the rope side or it's some sort of deficiency...
There ain't no smell cos it's in a large ply wood box in the cupboard with carbon filter and the rest I left the door open to get my phone from other room the doors are next to each other the kid came up the stairs fairly quietly to be fair and possibly saw in the crack of the main door I was on...
True bro .
But if he doesnt know what he saw in first place maybe I should say nothing. Its meant to be where I keep my personal shit knives and tools and camping gear so it's off limits to them anyways .
Maybe I could make up some shit if he does ask I'd love to come clean but with the legality...
He only saw a light leak and a dark room .
But that's exactly why its hidden I fucked up and left the door open before returning to lock it up I have spent the last two hours with him and he hasn't said shit so I am gonna have to ride it out my shits nearly done and I need it
Cheers lads I do feel better about it now I have seen your replies as for educating them we do but it's illegal where we are and kids sometimes talk to other kids other adults and say stupid shit .
If they were all 18 I'd have no bother is telling them I smoked but I wont be growing then ...
So today I made my 3 stepsons and son lunch and way upstairs i asked them to stay downstairs and keep an eye on their brother .
The youngest of the three came upstairs after bout 5 mins to ask us can he go outside .
The storage cupboard outside our room is where my grow box is the door...
Hey to all on riu.
I recently ordered a timber chibi thru growlightsdepot.
It came this morning i opened the box and had a sinking feeling as the bubble wrap left about a 2 inch gap all round the interior of box and i could see the fixture thru the wrap.
Unwrapped it had a look at it thought...
In the end i just bought the chibi .seems like perfect for one plant to me i needs be i can always add a d.i.y cob i did message and e mail a few people but havent gotten a reply as of yet .it was bought through ledgrowlightsdepot erik h was messaging me back and forth he said go hlg but i have...
Sorry im irish and migro is about and hour or so from here id rather buy a timber and pay tax and shipoing than a migro he may do par tests and efficacy tests on mostly shit stuff i never see him do a timber comparison or any direct competitor ?i have commented as such on several of his vids and...
I do like the idea of a single fixtureyself autocobs look good pactically the same.look as rapid led .i have a blurple its shite .
And running way too hot in my dowsized box even with an extra two 4 inch vemts added i liked the idea of the ch8bi for simplicity and ease of use it also comes with...
Cheers ill either get two smaller cobs so or the hlg135w r spec kit id say fairly new to leds and downsizing the box has a few issues with heat i must add another air intake id say my blurple panel seems to be a lil much heatwise do cobs and qbs run cooler again?
Would the matristar s1 do i just never heard of the brand .
I know its a 150w fixture and ppfd looks good .
I miss my gib 400w lol those were the days lol.i just want a light that will give me decent yield and not eat electricity
Lads i have downsized my grow to 3 sq ft .i need help or opinions on which plug n play light to buy they all have similar ppfd and a lil bit in price difference i have 3 picked and i want the best of the 3
1.timber chibi
2.rapid 75w
.3.optic xl
Which would u choose i really dont want to make...
Hey to all i still havemt upgraded my light because i am thinkin of reducing the size of my grow box currently its 2x2x5.
I was thinkin because ive only grow two autos at a time or just one i dont need all the xtra space and it will make movin the box easier i do it by myself and its pretty...
hey dan thanks for the reply i love the look of your lights and the spec .i am in ireland myself so free shipping probablt not but id take the 25 off and put it into shipping do ye ship international or would i be better off going with ledgrowlightdepot?
hey to all on rollitup im upgrading my lighting and think cob is the way i am stuck betweem two prebuilts .
1.california lightworks solarxtreme 250
2.timber growlights 2vl
they both are cobs but the timber seems more powerful on paper?
which wpuld you choose
Hey to all on here
I have a bit of exp with growing but have always used hps 4oow .
The last yr i have been using a chinese led with ok results in quality but not quantity
I am interested in changing up to either a cob or quantum board.which would be best for my setup .
My grow area is 2x2x5.5...