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  1. K

    Help With Girlfriend Please Ladies??

    Her mom sounds rich, I'm willing to be a large life insurance policy is in place. There is only one obvious solution.
  2. K

    Which one do you favour?

    4 and 5 are the best
  3. K

    Movies while baking/baked Up in Smoke 11.99
  4. K

    Hair Follicle Drug Test :(

    Yeah and just let them pull some hair out of the wig to test.
  5. K

    check this video out :)

    2 grams of weed..It definitely didn't look like 2 grams. I'd love to have a bowl that held 2 grams.
  6. K

    CFL's and Veg

    I've read the FAQ and couldn't find the information I desire. When vegging two plants how many CFL's should I use, and how far away should they be? The FAQ says I should keep them very close..but how close is to close?
  7. K

    Hawaiian Herbal Hybird Buds (aka Lettuce Opium)

    It's made from a sage plant I think..called Salvia Divinorum. edit: link The Salvia divinorum Research and Information Center