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  1. L

    Fan/Filter different size

    I meant I take fan at the beginning... fuck my stoner mentality
  2. L

    LEWPS 5x5x78 grow tent plan

    trying to add a net proved pretty useless you dont need to tell me I scrogged wrong I'm pretty aware, basically using it to balance my tallest plant as it's almost fallen over a few times, unfortunately I didn't scrog anywhere near early enough so we have continued to shoot up instead of out...
  3. L

    Fan/Filter different size

    Depends on your room really when it comes to an outtake fan, I dont use one in my 5x5 tent the outtake is powerful enough to pull fresh air through the vents and I keep the room the tents in well ventilated instead, as for your outtake I'm not too sure but if I had to make an educated guess I...
  4. L

    This looks like a carcass any ideas?

    I was recently checkin up on the girls and noticed a little tiny almost unnoticeable brown dot on my main stock, it came off rather easily and I put it on paper and grabbed my microscope. I use a neem solution on my plants every three to four days(always lights off) and combine with sticky traps...
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    LEWPS 5x5x78 grow tent plan

    Seeing as my 1500w shall arrive today let's get it started here is my set up so far, nothings actually plugged in and I still have yet to install my intake and exhaust. scrog setup cause I desperately need to move a 8 week old that was supposed to be an auto yet is still stretching as it has...
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    LEWPS 5x5x78 grow tent plan

    Honestly I agree on the HPS, I would love to go with lights I already know and have a decent understanding of, unfortunately they can be hydro suckers and my three kids are pretty good at that themselves they dont need any help draining my wallet, laundry and central air plus HPS, I'd rather...
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    LEWPS 5x5x78 grow tent plan

    When it comes to my fans I am planning to use two of the same fan however I do have dial controllers for each for the exact reason you just described and as you said my carbon filter will weaken my exhaust a bit to begin with, I just don't think my little 4" inline boosters from my 2.5x2.5 is...
  8. L

    LEWPS 5x5x78 grow tent plan

    I recently got my 5x5 tent I'm piece by piece planning to setup, I have a few questions and in general would just like some opinions. I currently run a smaller tent at about 3x3 on two cheap 300w leds actual draw around 130 each and have had some pretty good success so far two plants at a time...
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    g13 autopineapple express

    looking pretty decent just added the little sister back to the space after a breif containment to treat a mild root problem, as they were running on the same pump but i managed to catch it early before it had a chance to affect my taller plant, switched to my smaller pumps for a few days while i...
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    g13 autopineapple express

    my plants a comedian, decided to show its sex today, 6 weeks in nearly, the day before my birthday. i guess my plants trying to talk to me too
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    rapid rooters

    fair enough i use calmag because my water is distilled and contains no traces of anything dialed in at about 0-3ppm never had a problem sprouting so far mind you ive only popped a total of three seeds through RRs but i find the calmag is encouraging, had two strong standing sprouts after about...
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    rapid rooters

    thats great to know about re-use if a failure occurs, id throw em out in fear of spreading bacteria or other unwanted hassles. hopefully i dont have that problem though im sure it will occur at some point, ive had success 3 of 3 so far hoping to keep that going
  13. L

    rapid rooters

    i dont use a self watering trey i just soak them for 12 hours with a very light about .5ml of calmag and distilled water solution before i pop anything in them. i run 5gl buckets so the moisture from the humidity and the bubbles popping and splashing keep them damp for the 2-3 days between...
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    rapid rooters

    a lot of what ive read review based people often stress how important it is to throw them away after two weeks, kinda floored me since i cant find a bag less than 50 but the fact is i dont know much about them so i kinda gotta take everyones word about it til i have my own experiences just dont...
  15. L

    rapid rooters

    see thats what i was thinking as well and have done minus the papertowel i plan on just soaking them as i do anyways just for a little longer, but after reading several reviews a lot of people swear by throwing any unused out after two weeks and to me that just sounds like a ridiculously easy...
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    rapid rooters

    this is probably a really newb question but up til this point, ive never used RR's before. im wondering why "they only last two weeks." it doesnt make much sense to me since ive left my plants in them from germination to avoid shocking my autos and have had no real issues related to them thats...
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    g13 autopineapple express

    i can agree on that i read a lot of good about it and was almost convinced i however, also read a lot of bad about it so im also real skeptic so far ive only cut dying sick looking leaves at the base ( maybe two or three of em) and never (unless their infectious looking) before there is atleast...
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    g13 autopineapple express

    leaves look fairly healthy how old? it looks about week 1-3 weeks i personally only used calmag and distilled water for the first two weeks, til my seedling had structure and and stance, once i seen it standing up strait on its own and on atleast on its second set of leaves, ill lower my light...
  19. L

    What is this?

    heres what i did and my plant no longer has this problem. firstly, i seperated the infected plant from the rest to ensure it doesnt spread, i then trimmed all infected leaves off my plant (within reason i left a couple of fan leaves until more fan leaves developed you dont want to deprive your...
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    g13 autopineapple express

    in about week 4 i trimmed a few old leaves that were starting to show signs of leaf septoria (rusty circlular spots slowly turned to patches and dried leaves) i managed to rid my plant of infection before it spread but thats about all ive done when it comes to trimming