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  1. S

    Beware Stranger

    stranger danger, soon you'll be able to roll a joint like me.
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    Laced weed: urban myth?

    yeah but you pay for aint free..
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    Laced weed: urban myth?

    total urban myth. it's like unicorns and pixies and shit.
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    The new and improved fucked pu thin thread! (no porn)

    one more time from wiki:Homophobia is a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, and in some cases transgender and intersex people. Definitions refer variably to antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, and irrational fear.[1][2][3] Homophobia is observable in...
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    Laced weed: urban myth?

    sherm sticks right? some dude in my hs had a brain aneurysm when he smoked a sherm joint. i'll just stick to weed and shrooms, thanks. maybe some blow if it REALLY good.
  6. S

    Funny tokes.

    i like to take a fat rip when im at the drive-thru. then when they open their food window blow the hit in their face...i lol every time. ive even picked up new biz doing it!
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    The new and improved fucked pu thin thread! (no porn)

    dude youre comical. can you read? you must not be old enough to be on this site. stop regurgitating everything you've heard growing up. think for yourself. be original. that might be kinda hard with your mental capacity. maybe you should go read "highlights" or color..remember to stay in...
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    The new and improved fucked pu thin thread! (no porn)

    dude....ive read you go on and on about this, and you are looking ridiculous. homophobia is the fear and HATRED of homos, how many definitions do you have to see?? youre a fuckin homophobe. DEAL WITH IT! we are not defining the word "phobia" we are defining "homophobe" fear is gonna...
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    Support Arizona, buy travel and more at this website dedicated to helping Az overcome

    > > MEXICO IS ANGRY ! > > > > > > > > Three cheers for Arizona > > > > > > > > The shoe is on the other foot and the Mexicans from the State of Sonora, Mexico don't like it. Can you believe the nerve of these people? It's almost...
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    Support Arizona, buy travel and more at this website dedicated to helping Az overcome

    seems like the illegals are out in full force today...wait one sec...just looked out my window at the home depot...THEY ARE IN FULL FORCE TODAY!! lol - funniest shit in the world!! maybe not the best tact, but gets...
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    Support Arizona, buy travel and more at this website dedicated to helping Az overcome

    not meant to be racist in anyway, but im sick of being "politcally correct" fuck these illegals...and anyone else who bitches about this great country can get the fuck out too. why is it sad?? because its the truth? kudos to all the immigrants who came here the legal way...thanks for making...
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    My three plants :)

    what do you want to know? theyre tiny, and they will grow...just dont feed them any nutes until the cotelydons die off...
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    hi from RTG CEL

    looks like an led panel...
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    Support Arizona, buy travel and more at this website dedicated to helping Az overcome

    hey man those africans were slaves already when we bought them...i think we did them a favor bringing them over..they could always go back to africa if they want to..theyre free now...but in africa there isnt welfare or government housing...or kfc.. lol as for the indians..we kicked their ass...
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    Obama not American?

    its common sense..the motherfucker wont show the REAL birth certificate. you all are just fuckin STUPID! when he takes your rights away and shits on the constitution everyday..Fuckin lazy socialist pussies..go to russia
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    Obama not American?

    that "" site doesnt prove shit...The facts are in the AP. jeff suck a dick
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    Obama not American?

    AP - WASHINGTON D.C. - >* * * ** In a move certain to fuel* the debate over Obama's qualifications for the presidency, the group* "Americans for Freedom of Information" has Released copies of President Obama's college* transcripts from Occidental College. Released today, the transcript* school...
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    Hey People

    grow on brotha
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    Pinching top of plants???

    it will slow the vertical growth of your plant...also known as "super-cropping"
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    Relationship Wall

    maybe he doesnt love you. he loves his parents.