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  1. evilbong419

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    day 30 of 12/12, these are my 6 hash plants let me no what you think.
  2. evilbong419

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    37 days old, 7 days under 12/12 all ladies. :lol:
  3. evilbong419

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    here are my 7 ladies out of the box. getting some air trying to meet other plants i guess. I tried asking them but for some reason they didnt answer :shock:
  4. evilbong419

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    i couldnt fit my can fan and filter in my room so i had to cut a hole and put it in another room
  5. evilbong419

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    it looks like it is to me. hehehe
  6. evilbong419

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    thanks man the one top looks funny because i bend it four times a day to promote some under growth. some will say that bending them can stress them and stunt the growth. It you look at mine you can see it does more good than harm. Your plants love to be tuched and bent and moved around you...
  7. evilbong419

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    so here is the ak47 33days old 3 days into flower
  8. evilbong419

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    where those taken when your light just cam on, or perhaps you are watering to much. just an idea nice grow thou
  9. evilbong419

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Here is some more pics 32 days old Ak47/ Northern lights stealth closet grow duel 150watt hps
  10. evilbong419

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Here is my set up with two 150wt hps. 4" can fan sucking air out into a large carbine filter. With 4 T5s vegging some clones on top.
  11. evilbong419

    150watt hps how low can they go

    here are some more pics
  12. evilbong419

    150watt hps how low can they go

    this might show it better
  13. evilbong419

    150watt hps how low can they go

    i do have a fan blowing over the tops and one 4" can fan sucking air out into a large carbine filter
  14. evilbong419

    150watt hps how low can they go

    well the room is 2' by 4' and 5' tall and as you can see in the pic there are 2 150wt hps i did put my hand over them and they where getting slight heat
  15. evilbong419

    150watt hps how low can they go

    the lights now are 1' from the top of the plants. can i go closer or no? :wall:
  16. evilbong419

    AK47/Northernlights How Do They Look?

    well here is the finished room :clap:
  17. evilbong419

    AK47/Northernlights How Do They Look?

    I spend alot of time with them i just finished putting the ziper on the dark room going 12/12 next sat. New pix of darkroom soon this will soon be an ultimate setup
  18. evilbong419

    AK47/Northernlights How Do They Look?

    out of the veg room 27 days old
  19. evilbong419

    AK47/Northernlights How Do They Look?

    wal mart nice fan selection
  20. evilbong419

    AK47/Northernlights How Do They Look?

    i got ready for the big switch. Made a veg room on top and the flowering room below. got two 150 watt hps lights for the ladies. can fan and filter in the attic sucking the air out from both rooms. so far so good.