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  1. C

    Club 315w lec

    My first grow, and I went with a phantom II 315w and a phillips master 3100k. The plants are doing awesome and I barely understand what I am doing. Learning quick though :) I love this light
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    virgin grower looking for some advice on game plan

    well, I finished the job earlier than expected. Did some research and decided to top the plants, may have topped oto many, but I think I got the hang of it. Hopefully they will recover soon. I'd like to clone them soon, and start moving some of these outside once I build a small greenhouse.
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    virgin grower looking for some advice on game plan

    I had my brother mix up some calmag last night. I had been holding off for a bit since I didnt wanna overload the plants with nutrients since the soil was fresh.
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    virgin grower looking for some advice on game plan

    I figured id show some updated pics. of this morning light just coming on. 9 days. I am getting some kind of orange spots on the back 2 plants, but they seem to be growing good., I may have underwatered them the other day. When I water, do I need to water until they leak water though the...
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    virgin grower looking for some advice on game plan

    im unsure on the total age of the clone, but they had about a tennis ball worth of root. THe plant seems to be doing well, it seems the leafs shown have a little more damage, but new growth is still excellent. I'll post up if I see anything go real bad. So far, I think I have overwated one on...
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    holes in rooted clone

    thanks for the replies, I guess im just worrying a bit too much
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    holes in rooted clone

    I'm having problems with one plant, and im unsure if it is ph or bug problem. See pics below, the other plants all seem fairly good, I do have one bit of yellowing at the tip of one of the other plants, but other than that, most of the issues are with the sour lime pie. So yesterday I used...
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    virgin grower looking for some advice on game plan

    Yeah we plan on lining it pretty soon with a reflective spot, it use to have a washer living there, It's a wip for sure. I'm having problems with one plant, and im unsure if it is ph or bug problem. See pics below, the other plants all seem fairly good, I do have one bit of yellowing at the...
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    virgin grower looking for some advice on game plan

    LOL, Thanks for the replies. Should I leave it to just watering for a week or 2 before I try and add nutes?
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    virgin grower looking for some advice on game plan

    My brother and I have been talking about growing some plants for awhile. I rarely smoke it due to work, but I'd like to explore it more to find something I really enjoy. the bit I tried last year, well I bought a lot of different types, most were harsh and just really didnt do anything for me...