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  1. F

    Help with cob build testing

    I am putting together a 6 cob citizen clu048 1818s for my 4x4x6 bloom tent I am using 1 Meanwell 185h 48a driver for now but plan to get a second one next month $$ restraints. I have a multimeter but not sure how to use it to test what current/voltage/ma etc so I don't run them too high for...
  2. F

    Yellowing baby advice

    Thanks will do!
  3. F

    Yellowing baby advice

    Hi all this is first grow I have 7 white widows 4 are almost 4weeks veg the 3 in question are a little over 2weeks veg. They have been in FFHF no nutes yet on younger one...they seem more yellow in color then the older ones?? I have them under a citizen cob build as of 3days ago and prior to...
  4. F

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello all another first time grower ....starting with 7 White Widow ladies 4 of them 25days veg and 3 more younger at 12days ...i have been lurking and learning so much and so much i need to learn, I owe a lot success to places like this. I hope to do a journal as soon as i can. things are...