i completely understand. indians getting expelled from their lands, and palestinians getting expelled from their lands, bear no resemblance whatsoever.
just so we're clear, i do think this is bullshit. but what do you expect when you dont pay your fair share? esp. when you haven't paid it and are burning crap on your property.
if someone is selling billboard space, i wouldn't think you would have to approve it through a city. i would think you are well within your first amendment right. i think i saw somewhere on the aclu where florida is a constitution free zone or some bs. hell i say do it and fight it if they try...
look man, my opinion is my opinion. as is yours. but what warrants this personal attack? apparently your view on how things work is deeply construed.
how much of your damn house has to be on fire before you realize "hey my house is on fire better go get the animals out"? to put things in...
do you say that because a failed sportscaster left wing making his living criticizing the right wing said so? do you REALLY think any libertarian has dreams of peoples homes in flames and having a fire dept just sit there and watch? maybe if we didn't give other nations money to in turn by...
oh man she looks sexy. i once had a bong about 2ft-2 1/2ft big that i traded for a .25 but she got broke one day...thats what i get for leaving it at a friends house.