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  1. Thaii Ajna

    Possible Rootbound?

    They're not in flower, and they were not drooping... I stated before drooping happens. it was a deficiency. And I figured out that there were burnt tips after feeding because I fed them while the soil was dry. I figured it out and the problem has stopped.. thanks
  2. Thaii Ajna

    Possible Rootbound?

    Right. If you go back to the original post, I stated that the yellow tips came after feeding them when I noticed the phosphorus deficiency. I fed the plants AN PH Perfect line 8 ml/GAL and they ended up get a little burnt. I'll post some pictures later today when I get home :) fucking nice!!!
  3. Thaii Ajna

    Possible Rootbound?

    Some leaves began showing signs of phosphorus deficiency.
  4. Thaii Ajna

    Possible Rootbound?

    Nope. I always dry it out completely before watering. To the point before drooping happens
  5. Thaii Ajna

    Possible Rootbound?

    Hey guys! Wanted to get your feedback because my leaves are doing some funky things that I haven't seen before. There's are LBSD clones in their 4th week of veg going into five. I started the medium with RO super soil mix and began feeding it earlier this week with 8 ml of PH Perfect AN line...
  6. Thaii Ajna

    Leaf Deformality

    Hey guys, Right now I am experiencing a weird situation with my DS plant, and its beginning to spread on several leaves. I removed it from the grow room into quarantine, because I read many sources saying that it may be TMV, but others claim on other threads that it's not really something that...
  7. Thaii Ajna

    What type of deficiency?

    Sounds good! Thanks again :)
  8. Thaii Ajna

    What type of deficiency?

    Ahh yes i have been spraying neem oil and take down on them. thanks a ton. I really appreciate your feedback!
  9. Thaii Ajna

    What type of deficiency?

    Okay thanks for the feedback! what is pitting though?
  10. Thaii Ajna

    What type of deficiency?

    What is pitting burn? It definitely looks like a type of burn on the tip of the new growth. you can't really see it in the picture, but its a deep brown/almost black color.
  11. Thaii Ajna

    What type of deficiency?

    I actually have been giving them that. every other day I'll spray them.
  12. Thaii Ajna

    What type of deficiency?

    Hey guys, second grow here and am currently on Day 24 in veg. My grow medium is Roots Organic soil, so I haven't done any feedings of my own just yet, and I'm wondering if maybe it may be time? here are a couple of photos from today (which is when I noticed the issues) I have been combating...
  13. Thaii Ajna

    My 8hr flowering experiment

    Wow! look at you! I know this is late but super proud of you! I hope to be where you're at some time soon.
  14. Thaii Ajna

    My 8hr flowering experiment

    Very nice! Well, I wish you the best of luck in this, man :)
  15. Thaii Ajna

    My 8hr flowering experiment

    so how do you plan on getting electricity? This is something I've been interested in.
  16. Thaii Ajna

    My 8hr flowering experiment

    when you say batteries, what do you mean? You say that you plan on getting off of the eletric grid? have you yet?
  17. Thaii Ajna

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    Yes, I see this a lot too. There is definitely going to be a war. Unfortunately.