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    Help am i F**ked, where did i go wrong

    what got me so curious was that i had 3 other plants same strain, same everything and they all turned out good. it was only the plants i tried to train that ended up not being healthy
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    Help am i F**ked, where did i go wrong

    thanks for the help, sorry about the pics. ill flush and try less nutes. and i just put a fan in the box, could i be possibly giving it to much ariflow
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    Help am i F**ked, where did i go wrong

    i am having a major problem with every plant that i have tried to supercrop, or lst. i tired to grow two plants in a circle, and that failed, but i ended up with a few main branches. The other i tried to supercrop to get 4 main colas. My problem is that these 3 that i have tried to train are...
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    Scrog With Hydro?? bubble or ebb and flow

    Ok im thinking of switching over to a scrog method and also really want to go hydro. I was thinking either a ebb and flow or bubbleponics. Now which would be easier for scrog. I am doin plants in groups of three and will have one screen per group. i do this so i can harvest every three weeks...
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    Question about trimming fan leaves

    thanks silk, i started to trim the lower branches on my other plants that i just put into flowering, the only thing is i dont know how much to trim off. Should i trim off all branches except that main ones at the top??
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    Question about trimming fan leaves

    thanks for the input, and yeah i didnt realize i had a problem til it was way late, so im trying to fix the problem, any one else have any ideas on how i can fix my spider mite problem
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    Question about trimming fan leaves

    I have a questions about trimming. I planted 2 plants into one huge pot, and now im into my 6th week of flowering, and the budz on top are looking perfect, but all the lower ones dont look very good, mainly they look underdeveloped. I was wondering if i should cut the big fan leaves at the top...
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    Yellow spots on leaves, and a questions about trimming (5 weeks into flowering)

    hey here are a few pics of my pride and joy, we got these girls as clones from a buddy a while ago. A few days ago, the smaller one started showing yellow spots on the top fan leaves. then more spots appeared, and it started to spread to a few more fan leaves. At this point, its only on the top...
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    help a hermie

    there is a small chance depending on how far into flowering your hermie was. I had a hermie and i let it grow for a while, to the point where i noticed seeds starting to form all over the place then i cut her down. She pollinated some of the lower branches of my other females, but that was about...
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    My nuggets has fingers!!!

    thanks for all the compliments, but i almost positive its not heat stress b/c the temp stayed at about 70 the whole time
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    My nuggets has fingers!!!

    i maybe could have let her go another week, but i looked at the trichs with a 60x and they were all milky and almost half were turning amber
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    My nuggets has fingers!!!

    im pretty sure its not a hermie, i didnt see any seeds or anything
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    My nuggets has fingers!!!

    here are the pics
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    My nuggets has fingers!!!

    i just harvested, and my top nuggets look like they have fingers. The nuggets about 7 inches long, and it has a bunch prob like 15 lil finger like nuggets attached to it. imagine a normal big nugget 6 inches or so long, then it has a bug of long skinny nugs growing out of it as well. I was...
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    Nutrients help?? How much to give?? 30-30-15??

    My basic question is how much nuts do u give a plant during veg and during flowering and what do u use? Now i know that ur not suppose to feed during the first weeks of vegging, and start gradually but like what kind of nutrients do i use, and how much of each. now im using bloom 2-6-6 for...
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    please help, plants are turning purple and other systems

    do i need to give my babies in flowering more nutes?? im giving them one serving of PuraVida Bloom it 2-6-6 i think. Its 2 tablespoons a gallon, and i end up giving each plant half a gallon. Also whats the reccommend amount of nutes to give my plants in veg??
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    please help, plants are turning purple and other systems

    and i wasnt using any nuts when they started turning purple
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    please help, plants are turning purple and other systems

    here are the pics of my babies in flowering, and the last couple that are super green and dont have big buds, are the plants i got the small clones from and the same strain as the bigger bushy plants in the above post, and the other three that are almost done is where i got the clones from for...
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    please help, plants are turning purple and other systems

    hey here are some pics of the plants in my veg chamber.