Brewed up some tea last night and fed it to the soil this morning (:
About 4 Gallons of water
Loose 1/2 cup Kelp
Loose 1 Tbps Mycoz
Loose 1/4 Fish meal
Then is an unbleached nutbag
4 cups black gold EWC
1/2 cup Crab Meal
Bubbled overnight and this morning I usually am steeping NeemCake in my...
Yeah man it makes great fucking litter, no dust and holds smell great actually. It's just recycled newspaper too so it's a win win.
EDIT: win win WIN! :lol:
I compost in a tote now, I lined the bottom with this
That and cardboard ripped up.
It's been working great at holding that "wet sponge" feel.
Just drill some holes :grin:
"Soilless" yields more for container size as you can grow huge plants in tiny containers with hydro, ect.. Synthetics themselves do not.
Feeding synthetics to a soil container will not yield more than a living soil container by some rule, as you are stating.
It is possible as all growers have...
You plant in one pot is not nearly on the scale nor the longevity requirements she is talking about. Have you tested your medium's biology? It's not gunna be there in a soiless mix fed synthetic nutes. Just because you can grow a cannabis plant with some synthetic nutes in a home grow better...
I can't wait to go over more of Elaine's stuff, she really gets me off about soil! Her knowledge is so comprehensive and just plan awesome. I can just listen to her talk about it all day.
Im off to go find the video @ShLUbY was talking about! :clap:
Hey hey fellow Alaskan! Can't wait to see what else is produced in our great state :clap: I am going to be starting a bunch of autos soon myself :mrgreen:
@green217 What's your grow like? I've very interested in the TPR and my two are doing great!. Great big indica leaves, good smell already about 5 weeks in veg, about 3cm between all nodes, girthy stem, there is a lot I love about em :weed: