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  1. drunkfrunk1

    grow journal

    where do i go to write a grow journal?? noob question but oh well
  2. drunkfrunk1

    When switching to flowering..

    just switch it dont wait.. starving a plant = stress.. stress = hermies
  3. drunkfrunk1

    CFL sockets?

    yep cfl's arent THAT bad i had them to far away.. added 2 and put them about 1-4 inches away from my plants and i can see a dramatic change already
  4. drunkfrunk1 still new lol

    you think anyone in this room can afford that shit? those lights and everythin and you have to top your plants dozens of times and either hand if with string or put up chicken wire for it to hold up your plants
  5. drunkfrunk1

    CFL sockets?

  6. drunkfrunk1

    CFL sockets?

    but i just added 2 of these im about to get a y splitter and then change all of those lights to these so ill have more watts in ever bulb and 12 bulbs instead of 7 ( i have my humidifier plugged in) incase you think im high as hell and cant do math
  7. drunkfrunk1

    CFL sockets?

    yeah man i have pretty much the same thing but.. more ghetto
  8. drunkfrunk1

    Big CFL's

    yeah my bad.. i am obviously way to stoned to even think about typing....
  9. drunkfrunk1 still new lol

    350 to 400 grams per square meter they are talking about sea of green. however many plants you can fit in a square meter your supposed to get 350 - 400 grams if its grown to its full potential
  10. drunkfrunk1

    CFL sockets?

    if you cant spend 200+ on a light then home depot if your best friend buddy i promise they have everything Y adapters t5's big cfl's fuck they even have HPS and MH bulbs if you wanna ghetto rig some shit up
  11. drunkfrunk1

    what makes plants hermie?

    def. stress any kind of stress i found out the hard way that you do NOT want to interrupt the night cycle for ANY reason what so ever you should only touch your timer once after you set it the first time and that is to switch from veggie to flowering
  12. drunkfrunk1

    Big CFL's

    if your hand cant stand the heat neither can your hand you dont need a thermometer for a cfl i can hold it in my hand all day 3 inches.
  13. drunkfrunk1

    Big CFL's

    i just got 2 big cfl's this is my first grow and i put them 1-4 inches away from my two plants with a tiny tiny fan blowing so there is a bit of movement on the tops or ur plants every since i dropped them down to about 3 inches i can see my plant just soaking it up and loving it. you will see...
  14. drunkfrunk1

    stem turning red??

    ive worked at an animal hospital for years and ive seen dogs and cats come in that have eated bud or brownies or somethin so fucked up they cant even drink. lol plants lookin healthy where she bit em off so im not too concerned
  15. drunkfrunk1

    stem turning red??

    we are looking at a day shy of 3 weeks into flowering with cfl's its my first grow and they are looking very good to me my cat got into my closet the other day.. and luckily i cought her because my plants would be destroyed but she ate like 5 leaves all together and my cat seriously slept like a...
  16. drunkfrunk1

    stem turning red??

    see the top and bottom little stems are turning reddish almost brown.. anyone know if this is bad or just genetics?
  17. drunkfrunk1

    first white widow grow... new pics!

    just a few pics.. takin more in about 2 weeks any comments?