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  1. SATX-Organics

    Autoflower questions

    There's no prizes for prettiest setup. Hahaha! All that matters is the harvest! Looks good dude!
  2. SATX-Organics

    Candy Cane Auto Day23

    Some people say don't use nutes, but I've used them on Candy Cane from Crop Kings and it responded VERY well. The size was about 50%-75% bigger than in your picture at the same point in its lifecycle, but we also grew them in 4 gal pots in addition to the nute feeding. End yield was close to 3...
  3. SATX-Organics

    When do I flip over to HPS for autos?

    Just finished harvesting a Candy Cane and it responded VERY well with slightly less concentrated nutes. It was topped a little late but it recovered really well and still produced 3+ ounces dried. Grew it simultaneously with Crop King NYC Diesel autos and using the same grow plan, it produced...
  4. SATX-Organics

    Autoflower questions

    The overall size of the plant depends on a number of factors. While genetics play a huge roll in that, other things factor in as well such as the size of growing container, nutrients, feed cycle, environment (temp and humidity), light source, etc. You will hear all kinds of opinions on topping...