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  1. darylgrow

    Timer Failure 2 Weeks before harvest.

    Someone...Anyone...Put my mind at rest... The digital timer governing my lights has failed. The light cycle was extended by 3 hours before I noticed the lights were on. I can't find any supporting information regarding accidental light stress, frequency, and damage caused. Can somebody fill...
  2. darylgrow

    Northerlights 2nd grow 5th week flowering.

    Flatrider, I've got the Northern Lights Special, almost identical to this strain, 5% sativa 95% indica. The height really depends on the phenotype, but ive gotten it up to 5.5ft. NL can be grown pretty tall unless one of the parents is a dwarf. As for the smell, in my experience NL has been one...
  3. darylgrow

    How am I doing?

    Water less, dont feed anything until you see new leaves forming without stress signatures. It's best left alone, just plain tepid water, and some fresh air, and then you can start worry about feeding and deficiencies once the plant is a few inches in height. Overwatering and overfeeding are...
  4. darylgrow

    lots of issues that haven't been taken care of. PICS

    Yeah those plants have been through alot of abuse, you might just want to cut your losses and clone what you can for decent plant matter. It looks like your plants have a few problems, from overfeeding, to overwatering, im going to assume your ventilation is great, it looks like you have some...
  5. darylgrow

    What is happening to my plant!!! PICS*

    I had this exact same problem, it was isolated to a portion of one plant. The "Clawing" effect can apparently be caused by over water, poor ventilation, or an excess of nitrogen. My ventilation was fine so I reduced my water schedule for that one plant, and also changed its feed makeup...
  6. darylgrow

    Blown bulb? Powder residue, possible cause ?

    Did you hot start it?
  7. darylgrow

    do these buds look normal??

    Except when those seeds you made keep making hermie plants. I payed the relatively dear price, and it's worth it to know that every lady comes from a strain that wiped clean the 03 cannabis cup. :leaf:
  8. darylgrow


    It looks like overfeeding. 14-16-18 sounds a bit strong. I seed from 0.0,0.1,0.0 Try no nutes for a week or two. Good luck :leaf:
  9. darylgrow

    Droopy New Plant - Day 12, problem or paranoid?

    Awesome, glad you got that under control. :leaf:
  10. darylgrow

    yellow leaves!!please help

    Could be a variety of problems, can you post a picture? :leaf:
  11. darylgrow

    Anyone here controlling your grow room via PLC?

    Nice automation. That indicator light for the nute level, what is it monitoring?
  12. darylgrow

    How would you ventilate such a unit?

    Use a buffer area around you ventilation. As simply put as bob put it, light can't travel around corners. place your ventilation in an attached box, with the vent opening pointing away from wherever your light is coming from.
  13. darylgrow

    one cop vs 25 stoners

    Circulation takes time, expect a relapse or two or several thousand.
  14. darylgrow

    one cop vs 25 stoners

    Nobody thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Everyone here knows weed has been the greatest thing before and since sliced bread. But hey if you gotta feel like your above people, you gotta stay up to date with your popular viral videos.
  15. darylgrow

    Droopy New Plant - Day 12, problem or paranoid?

    Np. Hows it going? are your plants responding yet? I dont think its underwatering, your leaves look swollen rather than flat, and theres no discoloration. Are they dry to touch? Get some Oxine Benzonate! Commonly known as No-Damp, and treat your soil. It costs about 6 dollars for a 2.5%...
  16. darylgrow

    Pretty awesome fuckin nugget harvest vid!!

    I laughed a little, i actually chuckled when i went to the formal apology. But what really got me was 7th1der, like wow man... "go have a sense of humor in the humor thread"? I actually laughed hard at that response. And then he has the odasity to say K1ng isnt that clever. Maybe he can find...
  17. darylgrow

    one cop vs 25 stoners

    Yknow, I don't know whether to laugh, or be pissed about the ignorance and arrogance of some law enforcement agencies. "Pot tainted cookies delivered to cops" Seargent in a news conference: "The cookies had a strong odor of marijuana, because him...
  18. darylgrow

    How am I looking?

    Good man. From what I hear you can buy mylar blankets from the camping section at walmart that work just as good, for about 3 bucks? Sounds like a steal but i haven't tried it yet. Im gonna get some this weekend, i'll let you know if its cost effective. Happy harvesting. :leaf:
  19. darylgrow

    Please tell me what Im doing wrong...

    Your lighting / setup looks fine. The difference between a 24/0 and 18/6 isn't huge, you shouldn't compare it to others at the same stage, there are so many variables that amount to your plant growth, that its difficult to cross refrence that way. Whats your grow media composition ratio? And...
  20. darylgrow

    150W HPS, 2'x3.5'x?? grow... questions

    Can you post a photo? It's a bit difficult to imagine. :leaf: