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  1. C

    First time grower needs step by step instructions on what to do with this stuff..

    i dont understand how to use this dumb shit but i need help... my baby isnt looking too well as of late and recieves brown spots which seems to start from middle vein and works way outward... followed by yellowing of leaves and curling of tips... anyone know what could be???
  2. C

    First time grower needs step by step instructions on what to do with this stuff..

    i dont understand how to use this dumb shit but i need help... my baby isnt looking too well as of late and recieves brown spots which seems to start from middle vein and works way outward... followed by yellowing of leaves and curling of tips... anyone know what could be???
  3. C

    First time grower needs step by step instructions on what to do with this stuff..

    i dont understand how to use this dumb shit but i need help... my baby isnt looking too well as of late and recieves brown spots which seems to start from middle vein and works way outward... followed by yellowing of leaves and curling of tips... anyone know what could be???
  4. C

    Yellowing of leaves, curling and brown tips

    can anyone help me out??? my babies were looking pretty healthy until all of a sudden i started to notice brownish red spots that start from the veins and progress outward.. the leaves then turn yellow and curl at the tips.... i read could be due to nutes or possibly spider mites... does anybody...