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    Forum Québécois :

    Hellllooo everyone, you know I haven't been on RIU since like 2 years ago.. I am a moderator for the French-Canadian cannabis forum Canna-Quebec! I know we pale in comparison to any english forum in terms of members, about 1160 for us:clap:.. But if you can read french, well we really have a...
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    2 months vegg CfL'Sativa & Purple Pineberry (PIC)

    Purple Pineberry : 4th-5th week of flowering, outdoor organic (very distinctive piney smell already)
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    Powdery mildew or not?

    not for the moment, but will post one ASAP. It's kinda on all the older and biggest fan leaves and a little bit on the smaller ones. Other than that, the plant is doing great no other obvious signs of any problems, it smells great...good steady growth... Plus I've been seeing this for about 1...
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    Powdery mildew or not?

    bump...really?? No one ever encountered this problem before?? Any ideas? The plant is doing great, it's just that i want to know for sure 'cause if i can't smoke it i'll make hash outa her.
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    Powdery mildew or not?

    Hey everyone, I have two plants in an outdoor grow. The two are side by side almost touching and one of them started to get kinda of a white coating on the leaves. I'm an experienced all around gardener and have seen powdery mildew many times on zuccini, cucumber and other plants. It does...
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    A couple Bubble Hash questions

    I usually let my bubble dry on a pressing screen with a dishcloth under it to absorb the water (but I don't press it)for 4-5 days....12 hours doesn't seem long enough IMO 'cause the center might still have some humidity in it. But everyone has their own way of doing things, there's no wrong ways.
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    Did Bill C-15 in Canada get passed?

    The bill has passed in the house of commons but has not yet started its way in the senate. TELL YOUR SENATOR TO VOTE NO TO BILL C-15 GO HERE AND CLICK ON YOUR PROVINCE AND IT WILL SEND AN EMAIL TO ALL YOUR SENATORS WITH A WARNING ABOUT THE DANGERS...
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    Anyone Going to the 4/20 in Montreal Canada?

    The global marijuana march is saturday May 2nd 2009 @ carré St-Louis meeting at 1h00pm, march starts at 3h00pm and shows ar 5hoopm
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    All canadians vote here

    To all canadians (or everyone really..) The conservative government is ''On probation'' as Liberal party leader Michael Ignatieff puts it. Well in the same spirit as Barack Obama's website, the liberals made their own. The Marijuana question is ranked third with like 50...
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    Million Marijuana March on Monday April 20th, 2009

    going back to the point of the thread.... The million marijuana march (global marijuana march) is on may 2nd 2009!!! Not on 4:20.... Why can't everyone coodinate their efforts?? It's a better way to show your support than just a march here and there...
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    There is a possibility all drugs will be legal in Canada soon...

    i think he meant ''western'' Canada LOL Harper's playing ground
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    There is a possibility all drugs will be legal in Canada soon...

    I think that with everything that's going on in the states with decrim and even a legalization bill in CA, the canadian citizen will start to wonder...''Why not here Harper???'' And soon enough (i hope....) the conservatives government will fall.
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    There is a possibility all drugs will be legal in Canada soon...

    LOL nice slogan! BTW the judge doesn't rule on any specific schedule (ie. drug category), so that's why all illegal drugs would be included.
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    There is a possibility all drugs will be legal in Canada soon...

    sorry, i'm baked so maybe I didn't say it right. What i meant to say is that it would make ''possession'' legal The point is the fact that the users of the facility and the staff there aren't in any legal framework since the drugs are illegal. In that view the staff can be charged for...
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    There is a possibility all drugs will be legal in Canada soon...

    The reason for not putting it in writing is purely political...Conservative government.. The charter violation does make the law void (ie. no force and effect) but the judge left the conservatives until june 30th 2009 This is to give the conservatives time either to change the laws, apeal the...
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    There is a possibility all drugs will be legal in Canada soon...

    I was doing a little bit of research on the net 'cause i had nothing better to do today.. I came across some news that the Honorable Keith Martin (Liberal Member of Parliament for Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca, Canada) was going to introduce a private member's bill today to decriminalize possession of...
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    This place credible?

    Best place to buy cannabis seeds! very professional and great customer service
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    Question on watering after Transplant

    When the medium (in my case soilless premier pro-mix) is dry like 1 inch from the top and the pots are light i just drown them until water comes out the bottom. It's fine unless your medium doesn't drain well....
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    Pure Vida Organics Reviews???

    You have to shop to get the best prices....I'm in Canada and I found Pura Vida Organics grow & bloom for @ $12.99 CND each for a Quart at the local regular nursery. The growshops are all offering it @ 27.95.....Just to say that sometimes it's mostly the growshops themselves who are pushing...
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    Need help picking soil from local retailers TONIGHT PLZ

    bro, i'm sure you can find some good soiless mix like Premier Pro-Mix BX or HP (high porosity). It cost like 26$ for a 107 l compressed bag and it last soooooo long... You can also check out at a gardening shop, they usually sell it.