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  1. C

    Brown Spots on Older Leaves of Otherwise Vigorous Plant - 4 Pics

    Hey man, I actually tried to correct the issue for months but it never went away. I came to the personal conclusion that I just had a bad seed or mother plant... like it must have had a disease or genetic disorder or something. I was trying everything and it never got better, and I never had...
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    Name This Deficiency

    I got some good feedback on some other forums and the most popular verdict is that this is a Calcium deficiency, most likely caused by lockout during the first few weeks of flowering Some advice I got was to keep feeding the plants Veg nutes up until about 2 weeks into 12/12, THEN switch to...
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    T H Seeds Burmese Kush

    Hey man any updates?? Very interested in the BuKu, have seeds and haven't started them yet
  4. C

    Name This Deficiency

    Here are some new pics of all 3 plants, I put notes in each one
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    Name This Deficiency

    Hey thanks man I've seen that page and I dunno, to me my leaves don't look like anything shown there
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    Name This Deficiency

    Thanks for the input I tried keeping my pH at a slightly higher level to see if the problem would stop spreading, but it keeps spreading, makes me think it might not have to do with my nutes either
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    Name This Deficiency

    Thanks for the reply This has been happening for multiple crops now and I've been trying different things to try and correct the issue to no avail I've also grown other strains in this exact setup with the same exact nutrient mixes and they did not have this issue The strain with the issue...
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    Name This Deficiency

    Please, I'm desperate lol, what is this?? It starts on the oldest, lowest leaves first and gradually works its way up the entire plant throughout flowering The leaves don't really yellow at all, they stay green but get completely covered in brown spots If this is not a nutrient deficiency...
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    Dystopia's PPP 250w VScrOG

    This is amazing Show us more!
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    Brown Spots on Older Leaves of Otherwise Vigorous Plant - 4 Pics

    Sup everybody, I have this problem that's boggling my mind. Brown spots appearing on the older fan leaves of an otherwise healthy fast-growing plant, pics shown below. These spots started appearing about 2 weeks into flowering and keep multiplying in numbers as time goes by, but the plant...
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    Earth Juice application Ques (+ rep for HELP)

    i've been using earth juice normal-strength with decent results for veg: 1 tablespoon GROW 1 teaspoon BLOOM 1 teaspoon CATALYST for bloom (first 3-4 weeks): 1 tablespoon GROW 1 tablespoon BLOOM 1 teaspoon CATALYST for late bloom: 1 tablespoon BLOOM 1 teaspoon CATALYST you should also...
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    Earth Juice Help

    the GH liquid ph-test kit i mentioned in ur other thread is only $8.95 at the store by me
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    Earth Juice Natural Up Plz Help +rep

    yea, but don't bother spending money on a tester just get the GH ph-test kit with the bottle of dye that you drip a few drops to test the pH of your solution and match the color
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    Earth Juice hydro nutes!

    earth juice is messyy i tried it in a DWC setup once and it did not work out at all LOL started foaming everywhere leaking out of the buckets
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    Earth Juice Help

    you should get the entire Earth Juice line, for vegging try this mix per 1 gallon of water: 1 tablespoon GROW (three teaspoons) 1 tablespoon BLOOM (three teaspoons) 1 teaspoon CATALYST 1/2 teaspoon META-K Use that most of the time and then once or twice during veg add this to the same mix: 1...
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    DR-80 Grow Tent w/ 400w HPS-MH, Cooling System?

    I have a DR80 with 400 watt HPS and I'm totally having heat issues. The light has an air cooled hood so for a while I used a cheap 250cfm 6" duct fan as an exhaust vent at the top of the tent. So I had the 250 CFM exhaust on top of the tent, attached with ducting to the air cooled hood of the...
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    Fucking Earth Juice

    i've had nothin but problems with earth juice nutes also, cant get my plants to stay green and healthy
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    Expert Advice Needed w/ Earth Juice Organic Nutrients Recipe

    Thanks for the info I'll give those mixes a shot What do you think about the pH, what should I adjust it to prior to watering the plant?
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    Expert Advice Needed w/ Earth Juice Organic Nutrients Recipe

    Hi all, I'm looking to see if anyone has some advice on what a good recipe/mixture/dosage of Earth Juice organic nutrients would be for my current setup, because what I'm doing now doesn't seem to be working very well. Basically I'm growing the same strain (NL99 - Northern Lights X Cinderalla...
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    Earth Juice

    hi all, im using Earth Juice nutes also and found a REALLY good resource for using Earth Juice: 3LB Guide to Earth Juice | Cannabis Chronicles There's about 10 pages of info there on EJ, including how much to use of each type and when I've been following those guidelines and my plants look...