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  1. Weedman1108

    Set Up Help

    Wow thanks guys, that really helped me a lot, I've narrowed it down to two options that's my first option or I was thinking about getting the one six string linked and adding on a filter and speed control, I...
  2. Weedman1108

    Set Up Help

    Does the fan and filter look like good quality ones to you?
  3. Weedman1108

    Set Up Help

    I'll probably do the 3x3 tent then, do you guys think id need an intake fan or would just an exhaust fan and open vents at the bottom work for regulating the temperature? I was thinking about getting these...
  4. Weedman1108

    Set Up Help

    would that overload my plants though? lol
  5. Weedman1108

    Set Up Help

    Oh I see what your saying, so I should switch it over to high power (165wattts) on both of them when my plants go into flowering correct?
  6. Weedman1108

    Set Up Help

    You're saying there's like a veg and flower switch on the lights? like the light can go back and fourth based on what I need?
  7. Weedman1108

    Set Up Help

    Okay so I'm almost ready to buy all the stuff I'm gonna need to start this op, I've been talking with some people on here about what led's to buy with what tent and I have a couple options I want some input on. My first option would be to buy a 24"x30"62" grow tent with two of these bad boys...
  8. Weedman1108

    LED Noob/Tent Noob

    I was just planning on not having an intake fan, because I figured the bottom vents would be enough intake, are you saying the fan I have linked above wouldn't work for an exhaust fan connected to the filter?
  9. Weedman1108

    LED Noob/Tent Noob
  10. Weedman1108

    LED Noob/Tent Noob

    So how often do carbon filters need to be replaced, also I'm assuming some of the smell is going to leak out of the bottom right? As far as the fan goes would you say a 60$ off amazon would work?
  11. Weedman1108

    LED Noob/Tent Noob

    Could I wait until it starts budding to buy a carbon filter or is there any reason I should buy one now?
  12. Weedman1108

    LED Noob/Tent Noob

    Wouldn't a 4" fan be too small for a 8" hole?
  13. Weedman1108

    LED Noob/Tent Noob

    So technically I'd want a 8" duct fan for the top of the tent I'm going to buy correct?
  14. Weedman1108

    LED Noob/Tent Noob

    In the diagram it has 3" for the bottom and top holes I was just wandering if you meant I could put a 4" fan in a 3" hole and your saying I want the exhaust at the bottom?
  15. Weedman1108

    LED Noob/Tent Noob

    So just to clarify your saying I could run as this stuff not needing anything but my wall outlet? and your saying I dont need anything but an exhaust fan? just kinda confused cause in the beginning you said I did, but if I did need the fans wouldn't they need to be 3" in diameter or do you...
  16. Weedman1108

    LED Noob/Tent Noob

    Say I did buy this light.. because I'm really concidering it now, what am I going to need to power it? I understand most of the basic concepts but Im still having trouble figuring out what intake fan and exhaust fan to use, I'm just assuming Im going to need something to power it other then just...
  17. Weedman1108

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    I'm looking for an led for a 2x3 grow tent, do you guys have any fairly cheap suggestions?
  18. Weedman1108

    LED Noob/Tent Noob

    I do look at a lot of threads on here but most of them dont answer the specific questions I have.
  19. Weedman1108

    LED Noob/Tent Noob

    I've seen threads of other people doing a good job with the red/blue lights, any particular reason you don't like them?
  20. Weedman1108

    LED Noob/Tent Noob

    would you recommend just doing it with the red/blue lights?