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  1. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    very nice tip indeed o, but i came here to ask some questions and advice, mostly to get everything in my head and gather the information needed to get the project up and running
  2. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    M8 i do have to tell you that if you cant put the dirt on the place whenever/wherever you want, get yourself another job!
  3. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    Thanks JJ that looks awesome.
  4. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    m8 i do have a brother who as more than 10 years experience indoors , i think that is enough. Well, i do have some experience to be honest, but nothing like weed farm man. The investment money will come from the government, and they wont give me shit unless i show them i have all the conditions...
  5. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    thanks for the tips m8...hope to come with more questions soon, my dream will turn reality.
  6. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    hello again Buddies The dream got bigger and now everything is possible. So buddies, I'm aiming for more than 100 000€ project. I already have the land to do the project, more than i need, i have at my own disposal 2 hectares. I have decided to add in the project : 1x Nursery & veg room 2x...
  7. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    Well m8, now i have seen your adventure and i will follow it for sure! Best regards
  8. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    I have friends to deal with this kind of machine...what a beast you have there!
  9. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    My dream in a many thanks for the tips.
  10. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    hahhaha...i am a hard working guy, my job is steelfixer, i think i can handle it. I thought about being my own horticulturist, im not the most experienced guy but im not stupid either and the experience i already have it will be no nightmare. Awesome advice bro, best of luck to you too.
  11. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    thx bro...i will do that, there is so many problems i can avoid with a greenhouse, I may get a loan and buy one greenhouse. What is the height and width of your beautiful greenhouse? is it important to have a minium height to allow sun light to penetrate? what kind of considerations i may need...
  12. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    Thx for the excellent advice. What can i use instead of azomite, rock phosphate, epson salts, powdered humic acid and dolomite for my super soil?
  13. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    A picture is worst more than a 1000 words! thx you so much. I have thought about it, in the first year i won't buy a greenhouse, but on the second year I'm planning on getting one.
  14. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    i love Subcool and Mendo dope, big fan of them, gonna take a look at his CBD strains. Thx bro
  15. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    Awesome m8, i know subcool very well, i'm also a big fan. Gonna take a look at his CBD strains. Thx m8
  16. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    So What if i run a diferent strain, which strain's are a good choice for commercial grow?
  17. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    thx what is your advice about this? peace
  18. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    thx sir, so what is a good expectation...gallons / buds?
  19. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    That could go right, humm or maybe not...haha, thx bro peace.
  20. padreco

    Advice to start my big dream

    Thx m8 for the tips. If i intend to get at least 4 pounds buds (green material) per plant, how many gallons per plant do i need?