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  1. T

    first grow - update and question

    Hey guys so. i posted on this forum about some questions i had a while back when starting my grow and now im back for a check up. Ive done my fair share of research and reading before i got into this grow. now although i chose to do my first grow on hard mode (1k watt mh/hps from the bean) i...
  2. T

    nitrogen deficiency or overwatering

    cool thanks yeah i was checking with my finger but only at like the out edges of the pot and with it being a smart pot the sides dry out fast but the middle right where the base of the stem is still moist even a half inch down so im going to let it do its thing...thanks for checking it out and...
  3. T

    nitrogen deficiency or overwatering

    yeah i over watered like crazy i know that for a fact...they are in 1 gal smart pots and this one is the best and biggest out of the bunch ( ill tag the others on this post) its fresh soil so thats why i also didnt feel it was nitro def. but im a noob so im not sure.
  4. T

    nitrogen deficiency or overwatering

    dr earth organic potting soil......and a 1k watt mh at 4 feet above plant
  5. T

    nitrogen deficiency or overwatering

    I wanted to see if any of you could help me with this. I have 5 plants that are now 11 days above soil and im getting stunted growth and now yellowing leaves (bottom set only starting from the tip working its way to back towards the stem) . I first thought it was due to my over potting and...
  6. T

    Why wont it work? HELP!!

    This is good info absorb it and reuse it
  7. T

    Why wont it work? HELP!!

    even when testing with the knuckle how many days or how much time passes between waterings on average? cause that kind of looks like over watering.. the leaves are drooping like they are heavy with water...i could be wrong im just curious about the watering. also this is a big read but it...
  8. T

    Removing the glass from an air cooled hood

    have i mentioned that i love the internet and people sharing information...its amazing
  9. T

    Removing the glass from an air cooled hood

    thats what i thought aswell...its glass it should be that much of a reduction. found this...maybe ive found the answer with science and he literally said "i can have my cake and eat it tooo!!!!" so 5 percent increase with out the glass .... just making sure its clean is the key here.... i...
  10. T

    Removing the glass from an air cooled hood

    im really impartial about it all right now cause i have no prior experience. so i was told that you should take it off because not only will the glass shielding kills 10 percent of the lumen out put but then on top of the that due to the bulb not getting to proper operating temperatures (...
  11. T

    Show off the seedlings

    my babies right here 10 days above soil...first grow attempt
  12. T

    Removing the glass from an air cooled hood

    Ok so i was talking with an old friend today that was telling me that i should remove the glass from my hood to increase lumens and efficiency of the bulb. i was kinda thrown back by this as ive just kinda gotten my environment at a level where i know the temps are constant and its kinda on...
  13. T

    curling leaves, drooping plant, yellowing leaves. first grow. help.

    yeah after posting i realized maybe this wouldn't be an option. with the holes and all. definitely would go with a dehumidifier in the OP's situation. although the information is always helpful to have in the back of your mind.
  14. T

    curling leaves, drooping plant, yellowing leaves. first grow. help.

    ive never heard of dividing it in 3. is there a formula behind why its 3? in my experience an inline fan with a speed controller is going to do loads of help. you can then adjust and dial in the proper speed that you need. CFM is pretty straight forward as its literally cubic feet per minute...
  15. T

    Crazy question about transplanting

    lolz actually....
  16. T

    Crazy question about transplanting

    hahaha right!!! complete idiots....i think im going to fit in comfortably here :bigjoint:
  17. T

    Crazy question about transplanting

    nothing like picking a fight on a forum for absolutely no reason with absolutely no knowledge....right?
  18. T

    First grow progress how am I doing so far?

    this is good info right here. also in case you want some light reading this read seems to cover a lot of the basics and even some of the advanced proactive things you can do to manipulate the plant to do your bidding :fire: mauahahahaha
  19. T

    First grow progress how am I doing so far?

    ive read that most of the stretch will be done in the first 3 weeks of flower so you may be at the end almost. obviously the plants will continue to grow even after the stretch but its not as substantial as the initial stretch.. they look amazing by the way. good luck with your op and keep us...
  20. T

    Crazy question about transplanting

    what are trolls? ;)