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  1. nohibition

    Little white crawler..what is it?

    Should post a pic bro. N
  2. nohibition

    FLUSHING before harvest... BS or not?

    I have read it all. The problem is that your point has been clearly made, bashing other people doesn't serve anyone. If I choose to do it one way and you choose another it's cool. I'm apparently not on your intellectual level and so I'll take your advise and go. By by RUI don't need this kid of...
  3. nohibition

    FLUSHING before harvest... BS or not?

    In the interest of discussion,not argument. My understanding of why to flush is that the plants use up all the nutrients they have "stored" and are left with only water as they finish. They aren't flushed, they're starved. N
  4. nohibition

    FLUSHING before harvest... BS or not?

    The best way to find out is personal experimentation. The proof is in the puddin'. I've cropped many times without flushing and no one noticed. The water curing (osmosis) does pull a lot of fowl smelling stuff out of my weed. I don't know what it is but seeing is believing. Your meds, your...
  5. nohibition

    FLUSHING before harvest... BS or not?

    Most connoisseurs wouldn't water cure if you paid them but I water cure my personal *meds* and anything I cook with. Try this if you think flushing doesn't work. Don't flush your weed Dry/cure for 10 days (I don't do this, I go straight into water, it's just to show you what remains in your...
  6. nohibition

    Cloning help...I suck at cloning. Help!

    I love it when it's reduced to what's actually necessary and marketing isn't involved. Kudos bryan oconner. N
  7. nohibition

    Well, well - what do we have here?

    Someone comes in to pick up a package and reaches into their pocket to get the pick up slip, unknown to them their beans came out of their pocket with the slip and ended up on the counter. They don't notice because they're so excited about the cuttings they know they're picking up. Don't look a...
  8. nohibition

    Cloning help...I suck at cloning. Help!

    My very first plants were Nebula and Corona clones (Paradise) from a friend. When vegged I cloned from those and it seemed I couldn't do anything wrong. I had clones all over the house. When I started growing from seed I stopped cloning for a few years. Back to cloning and fail after fail after...
  9. nohibition

    Someone please help 3weeks into flower pics

    I would start with checking the Ph this can save you a lot of trouble. If it's off it will point you closer to your problem. For example if it's too high and you have locked out your micro nutes you can adjust accordingly. Ph is where you start imho. Good luck bro. N
  10. nohibition

    What is your favorite ph. Meter?

    I have a Hanna, does Ph, water temp and it's easy to calibrate. I used drops for awhile and I keep them for emergencies but I wouldn't go back by choice. Apples and oranges. N
  11. nohibition

    Can you get away with growing 10 cannabis plants inside? You have to modify this so the ona isn't in your grow, duct from your grow out to the bucket. N
  12. nohibition

    help plants wont grow???

    I used to do dwc once a year because I couldn't get my sunmix. I used rockwool once and never again, an experienced DWC grower warned me off because the rockwool when saturated doesn't hold sufficient oxygen and plants stall.
  13. nohibition

    Help needed!!! First time

    I agree, read read read. Start at the beginning and learn the basics thoroughly before you start adding any supplements and such. You cannot properly diagnose a problem until you understand it. If you post a pic you will end up with varying opinions and end up more confused. Don't ask for the...
  14. nohibition

    Anyone else a fan of retro games?

    never been a gamer but I have two complete Nintendo (101s ?) in a box in the corner of the basement. They were the ones you had to blow in. Playing games for me means getting my hands slapped lol :)
  15. nohibition

    Newbie. Think my plants sick :(

    Are these all the same strain? I see many new growers starting off with a multi-strain grow and I would discourage that until you have some experience. I prefer to grow a strain repeatedly until I know it well but that's a personal thing. Always check Ph first before you do anything else. Once...
  16. nohibition

    injunction/court case updates

    I'm probably going to start a dozen plants but will likely only be able to accommodate four or five inside and don't want to waste beans. As well it's my first attempt in a GH so I may need some back ups. To offset my stupid.
  17. nohibition

    injunction/court case updates

    Here's a question: my license is for indoors. Will that still apply. I am putting up a 10 x 20 greenhouse which is indoor in my view but what if I want to put some other plants around my property?
  18. nohibition


    True story. When I was fourteen I was hit by a car and ended up in the hospital with a busted hip and more. Everyday an East Indian Dr with a strong accent came to see me. He would ask me "Did your balls move today?" Well that scared me, I didn't know my balls were supposed to move. So I...
  19. nohibition

    injunction/court case updates

    I think LPs realise that this is a serious bump in the road but those that are well established just need to cut back and be patient. Big business is not run/staffed by idiots. Many of the people involved in this knew they needed a contingency plan in case we won. I personally don't give a shit...
  20. nohibition

    injunction/court case updates

    I agree, as I pointed out earlier, Kijiji, e-bay, (forgot about Craigslist) will be flooded with grow gear. I called my grow shop today and she says the phones been driving her crazy all day. Everyone getting prices etc. Bunch of wanna-be's getting ready to go all Jorge. Wait till they find out...