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  1. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    Gotcha, thank man. Yeah nitrates are better, I have some in liquid form for my indoor. Ammonia sulfate is for nasty grow ops with soil where I don't spend any cash in the process of growing. Get mad big buds with nitrate:
  2. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    Thank you I've read the whole Heisenburg threat, that guy know what he's talking about, he also gives some links to scientific information very useful, to grow organic weed you need scientific information about many things, microbes, climate, nature environments, and the list never ends, this is...
  3. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    You guys were right aerating the microbial soup is necessary to success, I've been doing some research about microbes teas and soil microbiology, these subjects are very complicated but I like to keep my things simple and cheap. This is what I understood, annual plants like Cannabis prefer...
  4. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    Thank for commenting. I've watched some videos of microbes under microscope and I have to say that is interesting. There is an incredible amount of different tiny mates, with all shapes and forms imaginable and there are microbes everywhere on the Earth surface even in frozen areas. It's fun...
  5. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    I took out all lower branches and leaves as I always do before noticing there was "loliping method", I do it because if i don't I have to crawl below my plants to reach many of them, I compost all this leaves and branches (finally I'm trying to do it), I didn't know that pruning lower branches...
  6. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    Hi everybody, My plants are doing fine after some issues I encountered, thankfully nature created this plant so resistant and strong that the plant can survive in a proper way even under my care. Im telling you that some of them had to stay lying on the floor without light 1 month :shock...
  7. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    Today wasn't a good day, my 1 year old dog bite the leaves of several plants and chew many branches, what a fucking mess. 1 plant is totally death and various alive. I told ya my dog know how to fucking deleafing and lolipoping things, now I have here the perfect situation to do a little...
  8. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    I agree with you now this have sens to me, this techniques like "deleafing, Lolipoping" are suitable for small grow ops, also Mylar is. Obviously a big grow op like green-houses or very big rooms with high ceilings Mylar isn't gonna make a lot of difference in the final results or on the light...
  9. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    As I said, "guy", in my post "Talking about defoliating is talking about light penetration." You don't even care of reading all my post because you say "This thread IS/WAS about defoliation, but people continue to associate lollipoping with defoliating(UB)." Now I said to Alphaphase NOT to...
  10. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    Talking about defoliating is talking about light penetration. I agree with you that Mylar doesn't work with fluorescent lights , Mylar in my opinion only work proper with HPS and MH lights, people usually wear sunglasses when they work in this type of setups with several HPS and MH lights (600...
  11. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    I don't claim to know anything, I'm a learner, I give my opinions and wait for some debate. Your points almost try to be scientific. Cannabis plant is a plant that needs high intensity light either indoors or outdoors, I think this is a point that all we can agree. So shady places indoors are...
  12. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    There is another "advanced technique" they call "flushing". As all you know "flushing" consist on denying fertilizers to plants and watering plants until the excess of water drain like streams from the bottom of pots. After doing this several times the leaves start to getting more and more...
  13. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    I can't post pictures of my plants at the moment, right now I'm hanging some 600HPS here and there. I'm trying to do my thang cheap. More or less this is what i have now: Substrate: Peat Moss with macros and micros (70 liters bags), with dolomite and PH 5,5 - 6,5, electrical conductivity 0,8...
  14. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    I,m ok with your thoughts. I think if I maybe spray water mixed with Vaseline all over my plants I'll get a better light penetration, how know if I found the ultimate snake oil.:roll:
  15. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    You say "defoliation works for certain circumstances" and you say if you know what are you doing defoliate can avoid undesired stretching. What you are doing is not "defoliate nor lollipopping" in your veg plants in the picture, I think you in this case are just "training" your plants a little...
  16. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    Those are very nice plants and buds.:bigjoint: Ok I understand your point (I think) you use "deleafing method" to avoid stretching, I never hear of this particular method but if works for you grow op excellent, usually stretching is undesirable even outdoors, so this what you do to avoid...
  17. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    Im new in this forum I'm not an expert and I want to learn, you name inspired mine, i'm not an "uncle" but i'm not a kid anymore, I know what real men want and what they want are "real things", men want to be "alpha" in whatever task they are involved with, it doesnt matter if it is growing...
  18. Alpha Grower

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    I remember the first time in my life that I planted a Cannabis seed, I was like 20 years old, I bought some weed on the street, the bud had 1 seed, I thought that was a good idea to plant that seed but i had no clue on how to grow it. So I picked one plastic pot, i filled it with soil that I...