Well, first it was 4oz that was legal in one's home. Then it was changed to 1oz in another court ruling. This was based on "right to privacy"
The legislator responded by passing the law making it illegal to possess any amount and then ACLU sued the state. The ACLU originally won, the Atty Gen...
The Alaska Supreme Court released today their opinion on the 2006 case favoring the ACLU. The ACLU originally filed a lawsuit against the state when a law was passed a law making it illegal to possess less than 1oz of MJ.
Here's the conclusion, the full opinion can be found here: No. 6357...
Germinated 5 Supergirl seeds last Saturday. Placed them in soil Monday and then they went under the light as soon as I saw sprouts. They looked fine last night but checked them this morning and saw a good 2-3 inches of stem between the soil and first set of leaves forming. They are under a 400W...
Really enjoyed it.
I don't really agree with how it's timeslot was placed right between meth and heroin. That makes it look bad if the average person was watching it forming an opinion on it
I saw an episode of mythbusters that was featuring these. They were able to fake the print several different ways and opened the lock INCLUDING simply photocopying the guys finger and swiping the paper along the reader!! The lock actually had a "sweat detector" to know if it's a real finger but...
No problem... you may not even need a humidifier depending on where you live but the gauge will tell you.
The human body won't even notice high humidity indoors until it gets maybe 65%+
Where I live up north, in the winter my indoor humidity drops to about 15% when it gets below 20F even though...
Are you saying it just doesn't feel humid? What is the actual humidity? If you don't have one go get a gauge.
I have a 60 dollar humidifier from walmart running in the room that is good for "large rooms" it's set at 55% and doesn't feel like Florida...
You should be at 50-60%.