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  1. Bones7

    fogoponic cloner box. random budding clones

    I built a fogoponic cloner box that rocks. I'm getting 2 in roots in 8-12 days depending on the strain. All of that is great, here's the problem. Some of the clones are comming out of the box and they are starting to bud right away. This is a problem since Im not doin SOG (sea o' green) the...
  2. Bones7

    is this light gonna work? :S

    I'd assume that would be too weak to veg em. that might work for clones but beond that they are gonna STRETCH and thats not what you want. get a CFL its 30$ and is 5000 lumens at about 85watts. get 1 or even better 2 of em. what are you going to flower under??good luck.
  3. Bones7

    confectionary sugar

    most confectioners sugar has baking powder or something like it so the sugar wont cake up. I would want to put that in my res. It could clog up sprayer or emmiters pretty quick. I use molasses or fructose. They re both simple sugars which are easier for them to break down
  4. Bones7

    312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.

    looks pretty good. I use 65w cfls with the lokger tubes to veg with, they say they get 5000 lumers a piece. If you top em or fim it will make em bushier instead of taller, in that setup Id do that.
  5. Bones7

    1st time cfl grow.

    You should check out the 65w clfs there longer tubes and ya get more light. I have to agree about those wires, spend 50 cents or so and dont get electrocuted or worse start a fire,(thats embarassing) especially since your hanging grid looks like metal, could get electrified, and you'll get...
  6. Bones7

    Help ????

    could be a food problem or a light burn from the drips. I had that problem when I decided to do a foliage feed on my outdoor kids years ago. I sprayed in the full sun at about 11 am (dumb) and on the next visit there were tons of little yellow specs that turned to brown holes, it was from...
  7. Bones7

    18on 12off flower cycle?? any thoughts??

    Thanks for the input. I keep em in veg 24/7 and put em in the dark for 36-48 hrs before flower. I only have a 400w to flower with so I thought having a longer day during budding might help to compensate. Where would I find a timer to try this out??
  8. Bones7

    18on 12off flower cycle?? any thoughts??

    I know its usually a 12/12, but I have heard a few interesting things bout this but not the results. Ive heard as long as they reccieve a 12 hour night its all good and no hermies or problems. with this cycle they get extra light and get bigger. the tricky part would be the timer. any ideas or...
  9. Bones7

    You should see this!!!!

    The color looks pretty blue for a halogen. They waste A LOT of energy it heat instead of light. I tried it when I didnt know any better. The lights had to be a mile away not to burn the kids(with fans) and the spectrum seemed wrong (lotsa stretching). Im uber skeptical on this...
  10. Bones7

    fuck fuck fuck!!!

    A friend of mine had those critters and took a few bottom branches and attached them to the top cola via a twist tie. the evil critters went for the top waste branch instead of getting the good stuff. If the harvest is really nasty you can salvage it by making honey oil with butane.
  11. Bones7

    Urine, pee is repellant

    Pee works but can wash away. I used about 2 inches of barber hair as mulch around the base with a little dirt on top. it kept a valleyfull of very active and close deer at bay all season. it breaks down for food eventually. the gamepaths the deer took are great for mot makin you own trail..
  12. Bones7

    Urgent Help

    I would ad some silica blast, it helps ease shochand strengthens stems. Wait till it recovers from the shock for a few days and it perks up before feedin her.
  13. Bones7

    1st grow - CFL's - Top 44 and unknowns

    got any pics of the top44 that finished?? I got some seeds and they said it was magnum44. I assume its tops44 and theyre dumb or full of it. Trying to figure out what Im workin with.
  14. Bones7

    Strain questions

    Im new here & have a few questions on some strains. what are these strains crosses of or what are there origins??? also what are their flowering cycles?? Mendicino peach, Warlock, Lavender, Pot of gold, trainwreck, Shiva, Purple thai, Jerryberry, Afgooy, tops44(magnum44??), Thanks 4 any info...