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  1. cthompson

    harvested, dried, started cure...hit with high humidity

    Thanks homie, just ordered the Boveda 65% packs. Didn't even know they existed. I also ordered silica gel packs a couple days ago but the Boveda seems like a much better product.
  2. cthompson

    harvested, dried, started cure...hit with high humidity

    That's kind of what I thought. I dried them for 5 days until they felt crispy and then jarred; at the time I didn't have a hygrometer. Once I got one and got the high readings, I put them out on a drying rack for a day and now they feel exceptionally dry. A storm passed in my area and now that...
  3. cthompson

    harvested, dried, started cure...hit with high humidity

    Should I even bother keeping them jarred if the RH is 70%? They feel dry as shit and I smoked a little to sample and its harsh but still getting 70% or greater readings inside the jar... Ordered some dessicated silica gel bags, 2 day shipping. until then, leave them out or jar them?
  4. cthompson

    Newbie being impatient

    thanks homie, i appreciate the advice! I don't know if I'll have that much time before the first freeze but I'll hold out as long as I can!
  5. cthompson

    harvested, dried, started cure...hit with high humidity

    Thanks guys, I checked against some other meters and it turns out I had a bad meter. I took my buds out and left them out overnight in my office with a ceiling fan on low. My house smells amazing hah, but the ambient humidity is 66-67%. I put my buds back in the jar, they felt really dry...after...
  6. cthompson

    harvested, dried, started cure...hit with high humidity

    hey homies, As the title states, hung my buds to dry until they felt a little crispy and jarred them. Smelt fantastic a couple days into burping. Then my hygrometers came in; I stuck one in the jar for about an hour and checked back...85% rH. I immediately freaked the fuck out and took my buds...
  7. cthompson

    Newbie being impatient

    good call man, here is a cola. thanks for the warm welcome...i'm loving this site!
  8. cthompson

    Storms a comin', early harvest?

    you're a fuckin genius haha thanks homie!
  9. cthompson

    Storms a comin', early harvest?

    haha, dude, we are neck and neck...good luck!!
  10. cthompson

    Newbie being impatient

    i love this site... thanks for everything guys... mammoth below (relative term to the 1 plant i've grown, which is this one lol) I'm now faced with a new challenge that I posted a separate thread for. Storms coming and its supposed to last 2 days, followed by tons of rain... Should I just...
  11. cthompson

    Storms a comin', early harvest?

    Hey homies... I have an outdoor plant that I harvested a few branches off about a week ago that I was going for the cerebral head high. The remaining of the plant I wanted to produce a more potent high but there is a storm coming in that is supposed to last the rest of the week. I'd rather have...
  12. cthompson

    Newbie being impatient

    Here's a few more with the light turned up a little more; let me know if you still think I should pull the trigger!
  13. cthompson

    Newbie being impatient

    thanks homie; its tough because the lighting. When I have the light all the way up in the microscope they look more clear but I can't get a good pic. When I turn it down to get a good pic, they look cloudy. My eyes are playing tricks on me and I'm still unsure...
  14. cthompson

    Newbie being impatient

    Oh sweet, thanks man. I'll check into it!
  15. cthompson

    Newbie being impatient

    Hey guys, Thanks for all the input! I appreciate it; even your doom and gloom comment mr sunshine lol... Craig, good call on the underside! Its a fucking field of trichomes. I do think I harvested too early BUT luckily enough I can still salvage most of the plant. When I said half of the plant...
  16. cthompson

    Newbie being impatient

    Hey all, First post to this site in an attempt of hopefully find out that I didn't fuck up. Complete newb... I got to the end of a bag at the beginning of this summer and found 1 seed; so I said fuck it and threw it in my garden next to my tomatoes and squash. I was lucky enough to get a female...