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  1. Hondaweed

    babies r dying?!?!?

    I try to put minimum as possible. I don't wanna kill em
  2. Hondaweed

    babies r dying?!?!?

    Ya I have that. I pre mix a quart and put in two bottles and just water with that everyday
  3. Hondaweed

    babies r dying?!?!?

    What's a nute
  4. Hondaweed

    babies r dying?!?!?

    Miracle grow African violot something like that.
  5. Hondaweed

    babies r dying?!?!?

    Do they go threw shock when moving em?
  6. Hondaweed

    babies r dying?!?!?

    Don't worry about it. should I Ditch The Ones That Are Welping OR Just Keep The Two Best Ones IN The pot. Will two in one pot be okay?
  7. Hondaweed

    babies r dying?!?!?

    5 babe
  8. Hondaweed

    babies r dying?!?!?

    Dang, they can kill each other?
  9. Hondaweed

    babies r dying?!?!?

    Check them out
  10. Hondaweed

    babies r dying?!?!?

    Starting to yellow. Bro.lack of nutrients or light too close?
  11. Hondaweed

    babies r dying?!?!?

    And it's not 4.
  12. Hondaweed

    babies r dying?!?!?

    Don't have much room
  13. Hondaweed

    babies r dying?!?!?

    Plants r starting to welp. My best plant is starting to show signs of this. Starting to yellow and maybe possible light burn?
  14. Hondaweed

    Fucking buggs??

    Wtf is lupe bro? 30 times 40 times?
  15. Hondaweed

    Fucking buggs??

    Your good, this bug is microscopic, it's towards the bottom
  16. Hondaweed

    Fucking buggs??

    So what can I do to rid of them, can they fuck up my plants?
  17. Hondaweed

    Fucking buggs??

    I see a few of these fuckers in my babies soil, wtf are they?
  18. Hondaweed

    I have lil white bugs

    My babies have tiny tiny lil white bugs crawling on the soil. How do I rid of them?? What do I do
  19. Hondaweed

    7 babies in one big pot? good or bad?

    Why does it lower the price?
  20. Hondaweed

    7 babies in one big pot? good or bad?

    If I leave males and females, and they fuck, will it mess up the yields?