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  1. Hondaweed

    7 babies in one big pot? good or bad?

    What is culling
  2. Hondaweed

    7 babies in one big pot? good or bad?

    Ya I have a small space growing so one big pot will help. If I end up having some male and female plants. What are the pros or cons about a potential pollenating
  3. Hondaweed

    7 babies in one big pot? good or bad?

    What's culling? And they won't kill each other?
  4. Hondaweed

    7 babies in one big pot? good or bad?

    So I have 7 babies that I have growing, they are tall n stringy. So I was told to put in another pot and cover as much stem as possible. Can I just put in one big pot? Or is that bad?
  5. Hondaweed

    First Time, need some advice

    Grow bulb. I didn't know what to get. I think it's 250w, or lil more. I have it on a basic lamp. Bulb is a issue?
  6. Hondaweed

    First Time, need some advice

    Have any of u done manifolding or FIMing?
  7. Hondaweed

    First Time, need some advice

    Just got home, here's my lil babies. What type of lighting schedule yall think. I've been doing roughly 14 - 16 hrs light. Just put the light closer today, but look how stringy they are. Nothing like Google images within the same time frame
  8. Hondaweed

    First Time, need some advice

    What's up guys, I have 7 plants that I germed, and put them in soil. Been growing lil over a week. 8 days. They are growing long n stringy, cause apparently I had the light too far, and they are starting to lean assume cause weight of leaves. Could they die like that? I moved the light closer...