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  1. G

    could i start of my seedlings in one of those mon-sun pill boxes

    I had to put them in those pill boxes. theyre going to be on a window sill for about 6 days. im going to transplant them to my actual spot as soon as it stops raining so much
  2. G

    could i start of my seedlings in one of those mon-sun pill boxes

    In the pass i have transported recently germinated seeds in those pill boxes. but i was wondering if i could start growing them in them for about a week because I was going to plant them today, but i looked at the weather and its heavy thunderstorms all week
  3. G

    sprout dilema, lots of rain coming up?

    im in the same situation. im also not sure what to do
  4. G

    Gorilla growing

    nice. by the way its guerilla
  5. G

    Favorite part of Pineapple Express!

    " its like killing a unicorn with a bomb"
  6. G

    first time with shrooms

    my friend is getting some shrooms in about 3 days. i have never done any thing other than weed. i wanted to see how much should i take and what should i expect from the trip
  7. G

    Who actually harvests before 7 weeks

    has any body grown ice? if you have how long did you flower it?
  8. G

    tell me if this is correct

    well thank you peoples
  9. G

    tell me if this is correct

    does planting later only affect the height of the plant?
  10. G

    tell me if this is correct

    well i live in the lower northeast. and in october the weather is usually in the high 40s to high 60s.
  11. G

    tell me if this is correct

    lets say i plant i early june, will my plants end by october? and does planting later only mean shorter plants?
  12. G

    how bad does it ...

    ok. thanks man
  13. G

    how bad does it ...

    Im growing Ice
  14. G

    how bad does it ...

    how much do 3 or 4 plants smell ? they are about 30 feet from a path, well hidden.
  15. G

    how old were u wen u first.....

    i started tokin wen i was 15 and growin 16
  16. G

    Water cure and food coloring?

  17. G

    when should i plant?

    well thanks. i guess im gonna wait till late april or very early may.
  18. G

    when should i plant?

    the farmers almanac suggests i plant in the first or second week of april. i have a question about this. if i plant in may or early june will my plants just be bushier and shorter, or will they still veg for a while
  19. G

    when should i plant?

    i live in the lower north east. Right now the weather is in the 50s and 60s. I was wondering when should i plant ice. ea, im growing ice. it has a flowering phase of about 8 weeks. so when should i plant it.
  20. G

    Outdoor Grow Idea.

    thats what i was thinking yesterday as i was browsing home depot lol