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  1. G

    need help!

    I have a ppm meter, haven't been using it though.... dumb ass move. Checked run off today, haven't been, it was over 2000 ppm wtf. Ph was perfect 5.8. I flushed until ppm was 200, unfortunately lights go out at that time. I will feed very light nutes until she picks up. Funny thing is I have 2...
  2. G

    need help!

    Everything was going good until today, woke up checked on my girls and found this. She is blue dream, today is the 3 week mark. I have 6 altogether at different stages of flower. But the 3 youngest haven't looked as good as good as the others did at this stage. Some of the leaves have been...
  3. G

    worms in used coco?

    Lol I could care less about the worms, unless they die without me noticing, that could be stinky. Just don't want to kill my plants for trying something new ya know.
  4. G

    worms in used coco?

    I use hydrozone aka hydrogaurd, and also use cannazym. Worms do eat plant roots but not live roots only dead ones from what I understand. Some people put worms right in the pots with the plants, however I do not plan on doing that. I have a bin that i keep the used coco in and thought maybe...
  5. G

    worms in used coco?

    I've done some research and so far haven't been able to come up with a solid answer. So I'm just wondering if anyone has every put worms in coco after it has been used? Lets assume the coco would be reused. I was thinking that by putting worms in it for a few weeks or month or so, they would eat...
  6. G

    hermie or swollen calyxes?

    Thanks all,I can rest easy tonight.
  7. G

    hermie or swollen calyxes?

    Did you see the pics I posted? They all look like that, some still have white hairs coming out but most the hairs have turned Brown now. A male would not have pistols or "hairs" sticking out of the ball, is that correct?
  8. G

    hermie or swollen calyxes?

    The strain is super silver haze btw, and thanks for the help.
  9. G

    hermie or swollen calyxes?

    Yes I did break one open, it is kind of hard almost like a seed, should it be like that? There was white stuff inside it, like the white hairs that are sticking out just hadn't come all the way out yet. So if it is the calyxes why would only 2 of the 6 plants have them? Maybe they did and I just...
  10. G

    hermie or swollen calyxes?

    Good day to all,I have a newbie question. Although I'm not really new to growing, on my 4th grow now, this is my first grow in almost 2 years. The first 3 grows went off without a hitch, I was growing in soil then and now I'm using coco. I noticed today that 2 plants that are about 2.5 weeks...