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  1. Ganjaman1010

    Is my Deimos Autoflower ready to harvest?

    Yeah should be fine x40 probably most safe but aslong as you can see hair colour you should be fine bro
  2. Ganjaman1010

    Is my Deimos Autoflower ready to harvest?

    Yeah definetly not ready yet bro you got yourself a magnifier wait untill all orangy/brown bro
  3. Ganjaman1010

    what is up with attitude???

    Maybe because im new? Or im using a phone? :cuss:bongsmilie
  4. Ganjaman1010

    what is up with attitude???

    Just says reply for me :-?
  5. Ganjaman1010

    what is up with attitude???

    How do u like comments on here?
  6. Ganjaman1010

    what is up with attitude???

    Lmao unpatience will ruin your crop listen to this guy haha
  7. Ganjaman1010

    Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

    So will they definetly recover from nute burn they are in a bad way man
  8. Ganjaman1010

    Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

    I put my ph tester in 7 soultion and it came up as 9.8 so i am working it off that so 9.3=6.5 because of this shitty ph tester which i paid 40£ i will water and update u in more pcs thanks dude you have been a big help appreciate help.
  9. Ganjaman1010

    Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

    My ph tester also had it for like 4 weeks and faulty already so il take that back and purch some verde.
  10. Ganjaman1010

    Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

    My turning fan sorry is on the floor.
  11. Ganjaman1010

    Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

    I have intake and also an outake but my fan is on floor maybe i should hang it?
  12. Ganjaman1010

    Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

    I had humidity and temp perfect before i swapped light maybe i should of stuck with that untill i flowered.
  13. Ganjaman1010

    Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

    No probs where xcan i purchase thise bro? They been perfect untill i put them on 600w was using 400 cfl before.
  14. Ganjaman1010

    Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

    Ok bro thanks il try that shit haha 1st grow i need to learn from mistakes.
  15. Ganjaman1010

    Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

    Yeah they are stinking shoreline is strain.
  16. Ganjaman1010

    Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

    No probs im having bit difficulty with the temp and humidity sometimes goes to like 90 f and 20 humidity stress lol
  17. Ganjaman1010

    Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

    Yeah they have been from seed they are goving off pistons already bro. Thanks for all your advice well appreciated il try what u guts have said see what happens.
  18. Ganjaman1010

    Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

    Canna teira veg is feed
  19. Ganjaman1010

    Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

    Yes i water untill run off.
  20. Ganjaman1010

    Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

    Im just trying to sort deficencies then going to switch? Do you think they ready once healthy?