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  1. M

    Increase Trichomes

    i agree do you have pics of this in action that are of YOUR plants i dont wanna kill my beauty...i heard sugar can add overall weight if added to the water the last couple week is this true has anyone ever done this
  2. M

    Increase Trichomes

    im just using a 15-30-15 bloom booster fertilzer....i dont wanan stunt the overall weight i bet it has 15-20 littlier cola and three fattys and the main cola, i just want frosty frosty frosty nugs ya know lol
  3. M

    Increase Trichomes

    i have a plant thats about three weeks into flowering and i was wondering if theres any tricks to increas trichome production
  4. M

    Help Me Top My Plant

    i want the cervantes bible but it dosent give enough close up pics im afraid im gonna fuck it up should i just not top it...will i get less??
  5. M

    can i induce flowering on a three week old seedling

    bro id be happy with an o from em i figured id out get like 4 or 5g so thats light at the end of the tunnel
  6. M

    Help Me Top My Plant

    appreciate it i want to be the fim technique is it difficult
  7. M

    can i induce flowering on a three week old seedling

    i know the harvest on the two small ones would be minimal but i cant get another grow box to keep them in the veg cycle so i dont want them to go to waste but lets say it did work would they be mature enough to produce true flowers?
  8. M

    Help Me Top My Plant

    nici + rep thanks
  9. M

    can i induce flowering on a three week old seedling

    i have one plant that has two vegging for about two months and in has shown female preflowers but about two maybe three weeks ago i started two more seeds they are one three inches and the other is about 2 inches i want to start flowering in about two weeks so the seedlings will be about a month...
  10. M

    Help Me Top My Plant

    Does anyone have any advice on how to top my plant it has seven or eight sets of nodes.... websites would be appreciated plus rep to whoever helps
  11. M

    how does she look? (second grow)

    you dont have to be afraid to wipe the leaves use a clean moist sponge and be gentle its not gonna break its not glass lol +rep bro
  12. M

    My plants at 25 days(Pics)

    how old are they total
  13. M

    Am i being ripped off please im new to this

    when you buying this so called "kush" if it is real kush then it sounds right just cut the middle man out bro
  14. M

    4000W Grow Room Set-up

    man what you have going i cant express how happy it makes me feel to just look at those sexy buds i mean sexy!! bro your a genius i love the grow i love everything!!!!! you just put the smack down on my little (2 plant could be 10) grow. i wanna do a s.o.g but it seems difficult maybe thats...
  15. M

    300 CFM too much?

    stay with the 110!!! cfm basically is how much air you want moved.. i have that two pull about 90-100 cfm apiece and they work fine i hooked em up to a lamp dimmer to control the speed
  16. M

    Raising humidity level without a humidifier? anyone know a good way?

    also get a fan the perfect temp are like 75 to 78 thats absolute perfect
  17. M

    Raising humidity level without a humidifier? anyone know a good way?

    yea theyll dry up fast so just stay on it also you can get a ice cube tray fill the slot with a little sand very little sand and then fill it with water and set it n the room thats a long term solution
  18. M

    Raising humidity level without a humidifier? anyone know a good way?

    no it wont cause mold if you change the paper towel everytime...i do this from time to time to raise the humidity if you take about five paper towel get em pretty wet and set them on the sides of the pot and the floor it can raise by like 20 at times once i do this but change that shit they dry...
  19. M

    My plants at 25 days(Pics)

    any updates van?